Golf Lessons | Golf Box Usa | Page 59

There are at least five different type of the Yips in golf. Full Swing, Chipping, Pitching, Bunker, and the least common but most talked about: Putting.

Our guest is one of our all-time favorite golf instructors who actually specializes in eliminating the yips.

According to Jim, there are three contributing factors to the yips. Mental. Emotional. Physical (mechanics). “By definition, the yips (flinching) are unconscious. No one tries to get the yips.”



The sequence to the golf downswing starts from the ground up, not the arms down, but what does that really mean?

Today’s video shows you how this female high school golfer learns how to stop losing her posture and build a powerful downswing.




Taking a proper divot is defined by this very task:


When you have the proper task and image, you will be amazed at how the body responds to the action you ask of it!



Any golfer that has ever picked up a club understands that proper swing release happens at impact, though many still scratch their heads wondering how to do so correctly.

While the nature of golfing provides multiply methods to achieve the same outcome with the countless amount of swing styles that player develop over time, none of that matters without producing effective results on a highly consistent basis.

Understanding how to properly time the release of your golf swing will provide a level of marked consistency to a degree that most other components of the swing cannot.

Releasing your swing on time provides the split second accuracy needed to ensure proper execution upon impact.



Here is a drill to help you fix the incorrect back trail foot movement. In today’s lesson, Aimee will be talking about the swing plane, and the upper body movement that is affected by the incorrect back foot movement.

And also show you a simple drill you can do in your living room to help fix it. The correct back foot movement will help improve many aspects of your golf swing,


Weight Shift

Power Accuracy



In this video I show you how to hit the low punch stinger shot.

Being able to play a stinger golf shot is a tremendous asset. I use the stinger when playing a shot in the wind or under pressure when finding the fairway is important. Hitting the ball low like a punch shot is a valuable shot to have in the bag.



Ask almost any golfer what they would like to improve on and they will say they would like to have a more consistent golf swing. That’s a great goal. What they don’t realize is that they already have a consistent swing. It’s just one that delivers inconsistent results.

You get inconsistent results because you are not able to put your best swing on the ball time after time. You don’t have to be off by much for a good swing to turn into a bad one. Most of the time it’s not a technical flaw. It’s because you’re not paying attention to the fundamentals of the golf swing, which are: a calm mind, setup, tempo and rhythm, and impact. Let’s go over each one.

The mind leads the body. The state of your mind is reflected in the condition of your body. When the mind is calm, the golf skills that you have practiced will come out. When there is worry or doubt or distraction in your mind, your body will not perform the way you trained it to. You take a calm mind to the course if you have one in your daily life. Practice not getting easily upset, distracted, or stymied by obstacles. Getting good at this takes as much practice as any golf skill does.

Any pro will tell you that the setup is the entree to a good golf swing. They work on their set up constantly and the setup is the first thing they check when their shots start going awry. Good shots flow out of a good setup. The only thing that comes out of a bad setup is luck. See a pro learn the principles of a good setup and practice it continually.

I watched a professional clinic on TV once, that featured major championship winners, and every one that talked about the swing said what they were working on at the moment was their tempo. Not their backswing, not some esoteric swing detail. It was tempo, and every pro said that. Tempo, and the rhythm that emerges from it, is the glue that holds the swing together. Most recreational golfers swing too fast, and speed up especially on the downswing. If you think to swing at the ball rather than to hit the ball, you’ll likely be alright.

Square, in-line impact is what the swing is all about. Every good golfer gets there in his or her own way, but they all get to the same place. And impact isn’t an effect. It’s a cause, and you can practice it as well as any other part of your swing. Take short, three-foot swings through the impact zone, memorize what your body feels like when everything is just right, then build that feeling into your full swing.

To get consistent results, be consistent in how you apply the fundamentals. They’re easy to learn, easy to maintain. When you hit a shot that’s not to your liking, go through the list and see which one you didn’t apply, because odds are that’s what caused it.

Bob Jones is dedicated to showing recreational golfers the little things, that anyone can install in their swing and game, that make a big difference in how they play.



How To Stop Rushing The Downswing And Start Hitting It Solid Shots!

When we’re talking about rushing the downswing, we need to separate body segments.

Golfers who rush the downswing are moving their arms and hands down too fast, but not necessarily their lower body.

So, you don’t need to slow everything down to stop rushing the downswing.

In this video I’m giving you two feels/drills to learn how to get the downswing started with your body motion first and slow your arms and hands down.

