Golf Lessons | Golf Box Usa

How the Shoulders Move (avoid this BIG mistake)

Follow along with Christina Ricci if you’re really struggling with contact and you top and chunk your shots. It’s all about the shoulder movement through the golf swing. Your low point is all over the place, then let’s take a look at your shoulders throughout the swing.

They play a key role in helping you get through the shot. I share the yes in the no’s, so you can clearly see the difference between the two.





All the best players do THIS – Swing SLOWER but hit it FURTHER

Would you like to swing slower but hit the golf ball further like all the best players? Well in this video Ali will show you why you have lost distance or miss out of extra yards but most importantly how to correct it.






Right Elbow In Golf Swing Key To Consistency

Gain power from your trail elbow. The trail elbow is an important part of the downswing and something that is often overlooked. You can gain power and distance with a better downswing position.













How eye dominance affects setup and alignment

In this video segment, SwingFix instructor Justin Bruton explains why eye dominance plays a major role in your alignment and how you should set up to the ball.









Right Hand Throwing Motion Through Impact

Today’s video clarifies the concepts of pulling the club handle down at the top of your backswing vs. the concept of throwing a ball with with your right hand to get the club head in position at impact.

Here’s how Mike explains the right hand throwing motion in your downswing through impact.










Stop Sliding The Hips Drill

Stop Sliding The Hips Drill

Golf Tip on How to Stop Sliding the Hips in the Downswing, this simple tip can take your game to the next level give it a try.















How to Shallow Attack Angle

How to Shallow Attack Angle

Here’s a helpful sequence to practice when your angle of attack is too steep or downward. If you’re guilty of massive divots and/or low ball flight then this is for you.













Raising And Lowering Like A Pro

One thing that all long drivers have in common is they use the ground to create massive amounts of leverage to help them generate clubhead speed. But before they use the ground, they have to position their bodies to make it all happen and that’s what this video is all about.

If you could use more clubhead speed, we’re going to show you how to position yourself to get it. If you want to learn how to drive it like a pro, you’ll need to learn when and where to lift and drop.











