Golf Tips | Golf Box Usa | Page 25

Learn how to keep your left arm straight in golf

Ever wondered how to keep the left arm straight in the golf swing? This video is about How To Keep The Left Arm Straight In The Golf Swing.

If you keep seeing a bent left arm and would like to know how to stop it then this short golf lesson should really help.








How the Hips Work in the Golf Swing

A common question in lessons is what to do with your lower body in the golf swing. In this lesson Maria Palozola demonstrates how the lower body and hips work in the golf swing.

Getting it right can increase your distance and result in more accurate shots as well.









Golf Transition – Arm Shallowing Position vs Movement

In this analysis video, Tyler Ferrell compares the transition movements of Phil Mickelson and Fred Couples to show the difference between a shallow position and a shallow arm movement.







Setup for Success

Setup for Success

It’s been said that 90% of the golf swing happens before you hit the ball, and a lot of that has to do with your setup.

Getting your body in the right position prior to your shot will give you the best chance for success!







This video is all about how you Hole more putts on the green – Learn some of Phil’s best putting tips and drills to improve your technique, distance control and confidence.

You must do this too. In this golf lesson learn simple putting tips from Phil that you can apply immediately to improve short putts and your long putts.










How Your Hands Work During Follow Through

How your hands work through impact and follow through is essential to controlling where you want the ball to go. I see a lot of people twisting their wrists or trying to turn the toe of the golf club.

Once you have an idea for how your hands and wrists work through the ball, you’ll have more consistent ball striking.









Wrist terms defined and movements of the wrists in the golf swing.

How the wrists should move in the golf swing is one of the most asked questions I receive from viewers wanting to know “The Secret”.










Hinge And Hold Chipping Technique

Chipping technique of The Hinge and Hold is fairly simple and easy to hit if you know how to do it that is…. Phil Mickelson and Rory McIlroy are two well known proponents of it. It’s not ideal for everyone, but it can help many.

With this shot you want the ball to have half carry and half roll. A true chip is 1/3 carry and 2/3 roll.

This chipping technique is not for everyone though. It can cause you to stab at the ball, resulting in poor consistency
A pitch would be the opposite…2/3 carry and 1/3 roll.

The Hinge and Hold is a shot that is called for often times during a round and one that you need to add to your arsenal to have a better short game.





