How to Break 70 – Lower Scores with Stress Free Golf DeShambo Proof..

Well playas, here is the best round of my life. No, not my best score, just the best, most well-thought out and constructed round I have ever played. Why do I say …

Because I committed to a few important concepts before the round and had the discipline to stick to it 95% of the time. Now the concepts are based on the overarching PLAYING OBJECTIVE I decided before the round.

I needed to play Stress Free Golf. Now for the numpties out there who want to talk about me preaching Stress Free Golf and then point out I get frustrated after a poorly executed shot due to lack of commitment…..well numpties, you need an IQ higher than single digits to watch this channel. Life is 3 dimensions, this is not a Nintendo 8 bit console. We live in an XBOX 360 world.

Frustration comes from knowing what to do, and then not doing it, because something mental gets in the way. Unfortunately there is a small population of people who think people who put ideas forward are robots. None of us are robots and playas, sometimes we have to unleash the dragon within, otherwise we get wound too tight and there goes the round.

A club toss here, a club drop there, a grunt in disgust and a clubhead lodged in the turf, we are humans.

BUT….To Break 70

Leave it where you stand. Then move onto the next shot. The next shot, the next hole, the next approach needs to be planned. That is how you get over the frustration of being a poephol on the course. You MUST focus on planning and plotting how to get that ball from the next position, into the hole.

Stress free golf does not mean ROBOTIC Retief Goosen golf. It means a long and winding PROCESS of planning properly, committing to the plan. executing the plan, then doing it over and over again, always guarding yourself from the ego thoughts (brain farts) coming into your head .

At every given moment you MUST be hitting the simplest shot possible IN THAT SITUATION to put yourself in a stress-free state. If you can do that even remotely close to 100% of the time, you’ll SMASH your personal best by minimum 10%.


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