Golf Lessons | Golf Box Usa | Page 53


In this video Chris Ryan discusses the topic of wrist angles in the golf swing, looks at why these are so important, and what needs to happen within the golf swing to ensure you deliver the club to the ball as efficiently as you can…

You’ll learn what the wrists should FEEL like approaching impact.

This is massive for controlling the clubface and hitting compressed and straighter shots.



The human machine is so well designed for performing this awesome loading and releasing of the wrists; you will absolutely love the burst of speed you can generate from this important lever!

If you are a golfer in need of extra power then this is a must see and must do video!




Perfect Hip Turn – How to Clear Your Hips Naturally!

Whether you are looking to stop your sway, clear your hips in the downswing or simply understand how the hips turn in the backswing and downswing this video is for you.

Getting your turn to feel easy and natural is the key to unlocking effortless speed, power and distance in your golf swing.




Do you struggle to hit consistent bunker shots? In today’s video, I’m going to give you three secrets that will make your life a lot easier when it comes to hitting out of the bunkers.

I’ll show you the advantages and disadvantages to hitting bunker shots with an open face versus a closed face.




Incredible Drill to Master the Golf Downswing.

If you would like to improve your downswing in golf and are specifically looking for downswing drills then this video could really help.

You will learn the correct transition in the downswing, correct downswing sequence and how to square the clubface at impact.




Simple Golf Drills to Stop Hitting Behind the Ball

First, I want to explain why you’re hitting behind the golf ball, what you need to do to correct it, and then how you can practice it with a couple simple feedback drills.

In terms of hitting behind the ball, let’s first define what we want to do, and then we’ll talk about the things you can do to stop that from happening, and I’ll give you some drills to do.

Now, I’m going to pull a simple alignment rod. Now, we’re on a mat here, on which an alignment rod here will work fine. If you’re on the grass, you can spray-paint a line or just have a line as a reference. A piece of tape or something like that would work fine.

I’m going to put this alignment rod straight in line with the golf ball on the ground. (Watch the video to see what I mean.) So, the point is, when we’re hitting too far behind the ball, that compromises our contact, compression, and distance that the golf ball goes.

We want to fix that. If I were to take a normal setup here, if we watch good golfers, their club will come down, will strike the ball first, and hit the ground second.

So, if I remove this golf ball, and that’s the line where it normally is on, what we want to be able to train to do is have the club head hit in front of the line where our golf ball would be.

That’s the first piece of this.

So, when someone would come in to train this in person, if we have solidness of contact issues, I will put a line on the ground, we’ll set up as if the golf ball’s right on it, and we’ll start with little short swings, just chip length, and get you getting that club head to hit the ground in front of it.




In this video I teach you how Sergio Garcia uses the laws of physics to help him square the clubface at impact.

I give two drills for square clubface impact and explain the keys for square clubface at impact.

These methods will help you finally learn to square the clubface at impact CONSISTENTLY.

Obviously when you square your clubface for straighter golf shots your scores will get lower.




In this video I make pressure shifts simple and teach you how to utilize your legs for maximum power and efficiency!

Shifting pressure in golf is a major power source and you need to understand how simple it can be when you know how!

In this video I will clear up a lot of misconception surrounding pressure shifts in golf and give clarity on the easiest way to feel it in your golf swing.

