PGA Tour | Golf Box Usa | Page 81

Use the Ground for SERIOUS Power in Your Golf Swing

My 3-part full-swing training series that will help you tap into a level of power and consistency you didn’t know you had. And the best part? It’s completely free!

There are lots of ways to add power to your golf swing. In today’s video I’ll show you one you might not have seen before… how to use the ground to add club head speed and distance to your swing.


Want to become a Tour Pro?

In this new video series, The Rookie Year, I’ve teamed up with European Tour professional and TaylorMade Tour staff player Kim Koivu to document his progress throughout the 2019 season. In these videos we’ll explore what it takes to be a tour pro.


With a new golf driver potentially costing over $500, it is important that you look after them. This means ensuring that they don’t damaged by having them strike hard surfaces or getting bumped when travelling. It also means keeping them clean. A dirty golf driver can actually cause you to lose power in your drive as the dirt, dust, sand or mud can affect the contact with the ball. Cleaning your driver will also ensure that it lasts longer and looks better for longer in front of your golfing buddies.

But above all, every golfer needs all the help that you can get. This is really the only reason why you should keep your golf drivers clean.

You need to clean your clubs in a gentle way. You can do this by buying a cleaning kit from your local pro shop. If you want to save some money then you can do it yourself at home.

In order to do it yourself, you will need a bucket, mild dish-washing detergent, a soft toothbrush or soft dish washing brush, and a clean rag.

The first step is to fill the bucket with warm water and then add the detergent. You should fill the bucket up to the level where it covers the club head but doesn’t go too far up the shaft. Place the club heads into the water and leave them to soak for five minutes. You need to leave them for this time in order for the detergent to start removing the dirt and oil that has accumulated into the various grooves.

The next step is to remove the golf driver and gently scrub away the dirt and stains. If you can’t remove a piece of dirt, place the club head back into the water to soak for another five minutes and start again.

Finally, using clean and fresh water wash off the remaining dirt and detergent. Use the towel to dry the club head.


Source by Michael R. Falk

Downhill Bunker Shots Made Easy

Do you want to hit high soft shots out of the bunker from downhill lies? In this golf instruction video PGA Australia golf instructor Lawrie Montague will show you a simple, easy to do technique for hitting the softest shots from downhill lies possible.



Over the past 7 years I’ve picked up so many golf tips and techniques watching these little golf clips on YouTube that I still use them in my game today.

I was so green back then but I have to give a lot of thanks to Lawrie Montague and his golf video lessons. Following him at Golf Confidence Pro I was able to shave 10 strokes off my golf game.

Lawrie teaches in such a way even I was able to follow along.

If you’re looking to shave strokes off your game I recommend checking him out at Golf Confidence Pro you’ll be glad you did….       


Source: Lawrie Montague


Key’s To Bombing Your Drives!

This video is about Massive Driver Distance Keys – How To Bomb Your Drives! For more golf tips and drills please make sure to check out Scratch Golf Academy for more golf lessons and instructions. 



Chris shows you the three things that you must do in order to hit those really solid iron shots from the fairway. Most golfers could benefit from an improved strike with the iron clubs and working on these elements can help you achieve a more repeatable strike and resulting shot.



Basic Golf Instruction for Beginners by Dan Shauger.

Dan Shauger golf instruction for beginners. Lessons on some basic mistakes by beginners. Books, DVDs and lessons at NZ Golf Instruction


Golf Technology and How it Affects Your Golf Game

There has been monumental growth in golf club technology that has shaped the modern game. Three golfers try three different eras of clubs and see how their performance compares. Special thanks to TaylorMade, Play Hickory, Knickerdog and Fairmont Grand del Mar.



OnCore Golf changes the game with golf ball technology. The upstart golf ball company OnCore Golf is changing the way the game is played by pros and amateurs.
