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Golf Grip Right Hand Placement

In this video I talk about the right hand of the golf grip, or the bottom hand of the grip. This is a very tough thing to achieve. It will feel very weak and very awkward but in the long run it will increase your consistency and distance. This will of course in turn lower your scores and that is never a bad thing. The correct golf grip is key to having a better game.

Over the many years of my teaching I have found that this is usually the one area that everybody needs help with and that not many people have the proper golf grip. When working on something like this it takes perseverance. It will feel bad for a couple of weeks, this is your only connection to the golf club.

The golf grip is key to achieving lower scores. The right hand needs to be in a neutral to weak position. Out of the three knuckle sections of your fingers, the club needs to be held in the middle or second knuckle section. Then try to cover your top hand thumb with you palm of your lower hand.

This way your golf swing will be freer and easier to make good solid contact with the ball. After looking at many student’s grips, not many people have the club in a good position. If you want to achieve a better grip, play better golf and lower your score then this tip is critical for you.

The right hand golf grip will determine the clubface angle. When you start to change the face angle this can make it very difficult to hit straight shots. With hitting crooked shots, this then can make golf a very tough sport. If you want to become a better player this is the first step in becoming one. Not many good players have a bad grip. Keep working on this and you in turn will be on the road to becoming a better player.




Seeing and being able to make a fade shot can be difficult. Practice using your right hand to control the club face. Don’t just play golf. Understand 





In this video I give two simple feels to get you ‘unstuck’ quickly! Getting stuck underneath in the downswing can lead to blocks and hooks and makes timing difficult, so watch this video to the end for simple to apply techniques that will get unstuck very quickly!



Weight shift in the back swing is a very contentious subject depending on who you speak to.

Some coaches are all for staying centered, some advocate being target side orientated (left leg for right handers), and some would recommend shifting away from the target.

I definitely would not advocate being left sided (as a right hander), and although I would always like some weight shift away from target, depending on range of motion available to the individual, this would differ in amount.

Watch to the end and find out what’s right for you!




The Move – How to Start your Downswing Correctly.

Incredible Drill to Master the Downswing in Golf.

If you would like to improve your downswing in golf and are specifically looking for downswing drills then this video could really help.

You will learn the correct transition in the downswing, correct downswing sequence and how to square the clubface at impact.



Transition from backswing to downswing is the subtle sequence of movement that plays a huge roll in how cleanly a player strikes the ball. It’s also something that even the very best players – Tiger Woods being a recent example – struggle with.

Here, Justin Parsons, the director of instruction at the Butch Harmon School of Golf, details his Top 3 tips for making a great transition in your swing.



3 Golf Swing Tips That Will Make All the Difference in Your Golf Swing 

Have you hit a plateau in your golf game? You’re hitting the driving range and golf course every weekend, maybe even practicing at home, but your scores never change.

Even if you don’t care much about besting your buddies, we all want to best ourselves. We want to see clear improvement and know that our hard work is paying off. If you’re stuck in a rut, it’s not because you’ve reached your full potential. More likely, there’s some small error in your golf swing that’s holding you back.

I’m going to share three swing tips that are proven to help you play better golf

These concepts cover three different stages of your swing:




You may not need all three, but odds are at least one of these tips will illuminate an error you didn’t realize you were making.

The Takeaway

One neglected aspect of the takeaway is the relationship between the hands and the clubhead. In fact, it’s far more common to worry about the direction the club swings on the takeaway. You may even have received advice on this or heard theories on whether it’s best to swing the club more outside or more inside.

However, if you watch the best players in the world, you’ll notice that there isn’t much consistency when it comes to club direction. Some golfers swing way inside, some swing way outside, and many fall somewhere in between.

Meanwhile, they’re all making incredible shots and taking home trophies. So, here’s a theory: maybe the direction of the club isn’t the real issue. If you watch these same players, you’ll notice there is one thing that remains consistent no matter which direction they guide they club:

They always keep the clubhead outside of the hands. To clarify, when we talk about keeping the clubhead outside of the hands, we mean the clubhead is just slightly farther out from the body than the hands are. If the clubhead passes through the plane of your hands and closer towards the body, the clubhead is now inside.



These 3 common chipping mistakes can plague any golfer, especially when it comes to the amateur golfer. From leaning the club forward too far, playing the golf ball back in the stance too far, or stabbing down at the ball to hopefully make good contact, these are the 3 most common chipping mistakes we see from amateur golfers on a regular basis.


