PGA Tour | Golf Box Usa | Page 66

Many golfers struggle to shallow the club with precision, but a few simple adjustments to their swing will bring their shallowing technique to perfection.

When taking golf shots, often players struggle to hit with the center of their clubface. This struggle often results in wild shots that hook right or left of the intended target.

Developing your ability to shallow out the club will drastically improve your golf game and act as a vital utility in many different scenarios on the golf course.

Shallowing assists in squaring up the clubface on impact when implemented correctly during a player’s downswing.

Learning this technique has shown to improve the striking ability of golfers from novice to veteran.

This technique causes the golf club to flatten out horizontally, without taking the swing too steep. A steep swing will always result in a poorly struck golf shot.

Most players fail to realize that nearly all golf swings are dominant to the left side. Right handed golfers thus should be pulling to the left side of their bodies during their downswings in order to impact the golf ball correctly.

Neglecting to perform this swing correctly will result in a right side dominant downswing that will end up sending the club too far over the top, causing the swing to go outside of the plane, steeping out in the path to eventual impact.

One of the most important aspects of shallowing occurs when golfers shift their weight to their leading leg. Typically players should shift at least 80% of their weight to the leg they’re leading their swing with.

Using nature to drop the club into the slot occurs when gravity takes over the golf club during the shifting of weight. Working against gravity will produce pulled shots and slices.




In this video I analyse Rory McIlroy before giving you some great drills to implement some of his awesome sequencing into your golf swing.

Learning an athletic golf swing sequence can add both power and consistency to your golf game so watch to the end!

These 2 drills will help you learn the correct sequence of your golf swing. 





One of the most common questions in golf is how to hit the golf ball farther.

In this video, teaching pro Adam Bazalgette, explains a few simple tips to increase driving distance.

Swinging harder is not always the answer to hitting longer drivers. One important component to hitting the golf ball far is to relax your body at address.

Tension in the muscles will slow your swing down so make sure you are nice and loose before taking your swing!

This is a simple swing thought to help you bomb your drives!



Dead straight golf shots that fly right towards your target are achievable no matter what level you are at, it just requires an understanding of your golf swing and and a few tweaks on the course.

Chris talks you through the process needed in order to hit those laser like golf shots.



Being able to clear your hips during your golf swing is a huge plus for hitting pure solid golf shots.

The pros do this extremely well while the rest of us often struggle with this key component of the golf swing.

In this video, we’re going to show you how they do it and then we’ll tell you how you can add this cool move to your golf swing!

Using your hips properly in the downswing is essential for clubhead speed.

But, how do tour pros make it look so easy???  We’ll show you that key move in the golf swing to get the hips to clear.



How to get more speed in your golf swing Increase golf swing speed drill.

How can an alignment stick give you more speed and power, a very simple drill to train your brain and that sensation using an old double prediction of how fast you’re swinging the club using this can give you more speed.

Let’s show you how all you need is an alignment stick. And the reason why I’m showing you this is because I want you to hear, maybe your hearing isn’t as sharp as a you’d like it to be, but you should be able to hear this because I want you to test something out.

Now, if you don’t have an alignment stick, just turn your a driver upside down and hold it by near the head at the top of the shaft.

When you don’t hit t the golf ball and swing through instead, and swing is more towards the target swing out that way to give you more speed, the fastest area that you want to hear and feel is in this zone actually after the ball. Because when you generate the momentum, you should be able to hear that audible difference.

Now swing and feel like releasing So whether that’s the objective or you simply try and make the sound occur after the ball, you’ll be astounded at how much more speed you get through the ball.

It’s very simple golf swing speed training. I want you to build up the speed so you’re accelerating and feeding that power. Because what’s going to happen is you’re still gonna get that natural sequence where you’re not doing a casting action in your golf swing

That’s what people tend to do. And I wager there’s a good chance many of you are one of them.

Allow the body to turn back and swing through that way with freedom, without force.

Use the alignment stick. Listen for the speed. Listen for the whoosh, and you should be good to go and get a few more miles an hour swing speed without really trying.


Recommended Alignment Sticks



Let’s talk about the perfect follow through and finish position. I want to talk about where you should be in the follow through and at the finish position with both the golf club and your body.

When you swing a golf club, it’s more or less designed to work in a circle around your body. The clubhead works up and in on the entire backswing, down and out during the downswing and then back up and in during the follow through.

If I take my normal setup and I draw a line up the shaft, I want it – more or less – parallel to that plane line during my backswing, parallel to it during my downswing and to get back parallel to it on to my follow through.

Now most of that happens just because of how my body turns. When I make a backswing, I turn my body away from the target so my hands should go in and up. In the follow through, I turn towards the target, so my hands should in and up. That’s the main concept that we’re going for here.

Past impact – when the club is at first parallel – I’m looking for the club to be about on my heel line. By the time I get to arms parallel in the follow through, I want my upper body, chest and shoulders and hips fully turned towards the target.

if you’re someone who normally gets a little too over the top and exits too far to the left, I would set up a practice station with an object to the left of the target line. That’s a block that’s in my way that I need to learn to swing the club to the right of.

If you’re the other golfer who swings too far inside out, you can use the same station. You just adjust the setup. If you’re normally too far right, you want to put an object up to the right of the target line that’s in your way.

To start the practice, use a short iron and make a half swing at half speed. Get a feel, give yourself feedback with video, confirm what you’re doing and continue to give yourself feedback until you get where you want to go.





In this video I show you how to hit the low punch stinger shot.

Being able to play a stinger golf shot is a tremendous asset. I use the stinger when playing a shot in the wind or under pressure when finding the fairway is important. Hitting the ball low like a punch shot is a valuable shot to have in the bag.

