PGA Tour | Golf Box Usa | Page 57

Follow along as Lawrie Montague runs you through a golf swing release drill that will allow you to sense how the lead arm should move into and through the golf ball.

If done correctly this can help with club face control, club face stability as well as adding speed to the club.

Even without hand manipulation, the club will always swing in line with the lead arm, moving more quickly as the arm speed slows. This transfers momentum to your clubhead through release.



Golf Transition: The Proper Way To Use Your Hips in The Downswing

In this tip I talk about the first 45 degrees in the transition. This is something no one talks about but get this wrong and you will not generate the power you need in your swing.

So what are you thinking about at the very top? Shift? Bump? If so, you are really missing out. Think about it, if you are thinking shift or bump aren’t you thinking laterally? If so, where is the rotation going to come from? Don’t you have to turn to get power? You sure do.

So if you are someone who is thinking shift or bump your hips this hip tip is for you. Watch it and understand it, then try it. If so, you will hit the ball longer than you ever have because you will finally be firing the hips like a pro.



In today’s video you’ll learn the 3 keys to a perfect golf release and you will be striking the ball down the middle of the fairway in no time.

So many golfers want to know what is the best way to release the club through impact I thought you’d appreciate a few simple drills on how to get there.


Easy lag golf drill for effortless power and distance in the golf swing.

How to increase lag with this simple golf drill that allows you to feel a natural golf swing through the ball to improve ball striking, increase power in your golf swing without hurting consistency.

This video shows how you can square the club face and develop more lag to help you hit the golf ball further.

You can have power in your golf swing and you can have consistency in your golf swing too.



How to flatten your lead “left” wrist through impact.

You see the top pros with a perfectly flat left wrist, coming through contact. How do they do that? I am sure you try and try to keep your hands ahead, compress the golf ball, and keep the wrist locked, but it just doesn’t work.

In this video I go over the counter intuitive way to keep your wrist flat through the hitting zone. You actually want to let it bend just after contact. I know it seems odd, but I will go over just how to make this happen. The right way.



How would you like to hit irons pure in golf.

For those looking to become consistent with their irons, this video on Hit Your Irons Pure Every Time is for you. We have the golf swing broken down to 3 important keys to pure your irons every time.

In this video we’ll cover those 3 techniques while improving key fundamentals! 

Start having real control of your game.



How to move your trail arm like the best ball strikers in the world.

Today were focusing on the trail arm and how it should move through the golf swing. This video takes you through the backswing, downswing and how vitally important the trail arm is to good golf shots.

If you struggle with strike, curve or distance there is a very good chance your trail arm isn’t working as well as it could, but improving this movement can see you improve all of those areas.

This will improve distance …



Golf Tip – Two great swing tips to lower scores. Alistair Davies golf shares with you how to lower your scores with two great tips. These tips help both backswing and impact.

This golf devise will help lower your scores: SAMI


