PGA Tour | Golf Box Usa | Page 22

Tiger Woods Wood-Driver-Iron Warm Up in Slow Motion

Just looking at this helps improve your golf skills.

Find the right swing for you!






We all have to make a downswing to hit the ball, but how to make this move is critical to playing good, consistent golf.

In this short video PGA Professional Chris Ryan shows you 3 main components required to make a perfect downswing.

These 3 elements are present in almost all elite golfers swings, Chris covers weight shift, rotation and the trail arm, all accompanied by drills to help you work these moves into your game.





Two Tips for Solid Iron Shots – Peter Kostis

Top 100 Teacher Peter Kostis responds to users tip requests by sharing two tricks to help you make more solid iron shots.





Hover The Golf Club

Hover The Golf Club

Anyone who has ever watched carefully when Jack Nicklaus swings a golf club has probably noticed that when he has addressed the ball preparatory to starting his backswing, he hovers the club as part of his golf swing basics. You want to make sure when you set up for your golf swing, you hover the golf club at an address instead of letting your club touch the ground.

Grounding the club before the swing begins, especially when the turf is lush with a gummy texture, can easily cause the grass to grab the club as it starts back, and disrupt a smooth beginning to the movement. Allowing the elbows and/or the wrists to bend slightly (do not lift the shoulders) at address, will slightly elevate the clubhead above the ground and allow the heave to easily set the club into motion without it catching in the grass whatsoever.

In a normal backswing, during the first few inches, the clubhead is moving almost parallel to the ground. If the club has been grounded, and the swing begins with it grounded, the grass can easily interfere and break a rhythmical beginning.

If the brain senses that the grass is going to catch the club, it will trigger the hands to start the backswing in an effort to immediately elevate the club above the turf, and doing so can negatively affect the sequencing of the swing.

Hovering the club slightly above the ground at address, allows the origin of the heave to come totally from the core of the body and the feet, and the initiation of the movement can easily be started with dependable repeatability on each and every swing.





How the golf swing “feels”

Working on the range, exploring what the golf swing feels like versus what it looks like and where the club pivots to best control the club face through the swing.





One Simple Golf Tip to Shallow Out Your Driver Downswing

This week, we are providing you with one simple tip to shallow out your driver downswing!






In this video I show some of the keys to help you hit a low fade vs a high fade with the Trackman numbers showing the differences.

There is more areas to going through on these 2 shots, but I think this video highlights some of the main things needed to be successful.





Golf Short Game Lesson – “The Pre-set”

Gravity Golf Instructor Daniel Lee demonstrates how the short game is often the most overlooked part of the overall game of golf.

If you want to feel what it’s like to have soft hands and amazing touch around the greens, watch this video!



