PGA Tour | Golf Box Usa | Page 14

Lower body rotation in the golf swing

In this video using gear golf 3d motion capture we take a look at how a PGA Tour player rotates his lower body.

We take a unique viewpoint above the golfer to highlight the femur and upper leg region as it relates to the rotation of the pelvis.





The Most Effective Way To Transition In Your Golf Swing

Most amateur golfers have a very difficult time with the transition. This is where you go from the backswing, into the downswing. In all other sports, it is done nearly the same way and yet golfers don’t do it like this.

The transition in your golf swing sets you up for a powerful impact, maximum swing speed, and consistent contact. Using the ground to get your lower body moving first while your upper body stays back briefly is a critical aspect of your downswing.








We’ve all had that shot that we bombed down the middle of the fairway and turned around and said “I barely swung at that”.

Simplify your golf swing to make it more powerful with less effort and you’ll be saying that all the time.



 The Orange Whip Swing Trainer

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This video was inspired by some recent lessons that in different ways these ideas helped them a lot.

When you overturn in the backswing this can cause you to come over the top in your swing.






Dead Hand Wedge with Jason Day

Dead Hand Wedge with Jason Day

How do you hit a dead hand wedge? Learn from one of the best in the game.







How to Find The Top of Backswing Position

In today’s video PGA Golf Coach Mark Wood shows you a great and effective drill to help you find your top of the backswing position.

Many golfers get confused and lost when it comes to completing their backswing, “where should my hands be?, “should my wrist be like DJ’s”?

This video tip will clear out all that clutter and get you right back on track.






Standing Up – How to Stay Down in the Golf Swing

Standing up during the golf swing is an error commonly associated with the lifting your head up classic advice. While it is perfectly normal and indeed encouraged to allow your head to rise – to lift your head up – after impact with the ball it is strongly discouraged to allow your upper body to rise before impact with the ball.

Use this drill to help you stay down on the ball. Hold your club in front and across your chest with your hands and make sure the grip end of the club points straight ahead at the target.





Golf Grip Drill to Help Ensure a Square Clubface

Today we’re going to talk a little more about the golf grip and how to get the hands on the club so that the club face can stay square.

One of the main issues is I got a round grip and my hands can turn around and be in all sorts of different positions that over time can feel good. Once I start creating this habit of a bad golf grip, it’s really hard to get back into putting my hands on the club correctly.


Yard Stick

Yard Stick

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