Malaska Golf | Golf Box Usa

Right Hand Throwing Motion Through Impact

Today’s video clarifies the concepts of pulling the club handle down at the top of your backswing vs. the concept of throwing a ball with with your right hand to get the club head in position at impact.

Here’s how Mike explains the right hand throwing motion in your downswing through impact.










Arm Path in the Golf Swing

We all want that perfect looking golf swing that makes us look like we just came straight from the tour!

In today’s video Mike creates a clear picture of how and why the arms work in the golf swing.







How Jack Nicklaus Moved His Hips in the Golf Swing

How you move your hips will determine how consistently you hit the ball. I’ve had the pleasure of working with the greatest golfer of all time to see how he moves and what his body does in the golf swing.

Jack Nicklaus was great at getting his body out of the way of his hands so he could generate more speed in his golf swing.







The Most Important Swing Drill in Golf

A lot of people ask what’s the most important thing to work on? What is the one drill they need to do?

Now, there are a lot of drills out there. The question is what fundamental skill do you need to master before you can really start looking at different drills to dial in the consistency and ball striking in your golf swing. Until you have really gotten a feel for how your arms and shoulders work together, there’s nothing else I’d have you focus on to improve your swing.

I think this is where you have to begin.









Staying Connected Through Impact

Should I Keep My Hands And Arms In Sync With My Upper Body?

As a concept yes, your hands, arms and shoulders rotate through your center together as you connect with the ball. Forcing this alignment might cause some issues. Creating tension in your golf swing will get you in trouble. Practice feeling how the momentum of the club can direct you.







How Your Hands Work During Follow Through

How your hands work through impact and follow through is essential to controlling where you want the ball to go. I see a lot of people twisting their wrists or trying to turn the toe of the golf club.

Once you have an idea for how your hands and wrists work through the ball, you’ll have more consistent ball striking.






