Golf | Golf Box Usa | Page 49

How to Load Your Wrists For Longer Drives

Learn how to load your wrists for longer golf drives. This video shows you where you should start loading your wrists in the golf swing.

Loading from the beginning of your backswing will destroy your swing. It is important to know when to start loading those wrists for maximum power and distance.






Improve Your Swing Tempo with Sir Nick Faldo

Understand how to find the tempo that works for your game with Sir Nick Faldo.

We all want that nice tempo with our golf swing. You hear people say slow down, swing it slow, but that doesn’t help us with distance, so how do good players hit the ball so far while looking like they swing so slow?

In this video on Improve Your Swing Tempo we talk about directing the speed of the swing so that we too can achieve good tempo, while hitting the ball hard and far.





Pelvis Movement In Golf Swing

In this video I show you the correct pelvis movement in golf swing so you make more consistent golf swings.

How the pelvis moves in the golf swing is important to ensuring your swing is on a good plane and in the right positions to make solid contact with the golf ball. Don’t neglect this part of the golf swing as it often fixes many of your swing faults. High and low golf handicappers benefit from working on the pelvis and often see quick improvement in their results on the course.

Practice working on the pelvis in golf swing movement at home first in front of a mirror or video your golf swing. This gives you a visual of what it is doing and if you need to make any adjustments to it during your golf swing.

When you fix what the pelvis is doing the rest of your golf swing flows easier and swings more natural.






One Piece Takeaway Golf Swing

The key to performing a one-piece golf swing takeaway is to make sure the V of our shoulders, arms and the club all start together.

Practice your one-piece takeaway golf swing with guidance from a professional golf instructor in this video on golf swing takeaways.






Footwork for more Lag in the Golf Swing

In today’s video Zach shows us how to use our feet in our golf swing for more lag.

It’s a one, two, three drill that helps you transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot. Pushing off your back foot and getting through the shot and up on your toe will help create more lag in the golf swing.





Draw the Ball with Proper Hip Turn and Wrist Hinge

GOLFTEC’s Director of Instruction and Personal Coach, Nathan Morris analyzes his student, Anna, who was struggling with loss of distance and control.

With help from our SwingTRU Motion Study, Nathan shows the proper wrist hinge and hip turn needed to play a high, drawing golf shot, and provides a drill to help promote proper form.






Get Full Shoulder Turn Naturally

How To Make A Full Powerful Shoulder Turn Naturally and effortlessly.

If you have the ability to stand up you have the ability to make a golf backswing that has a full shoulder turn.

A full shoulder turn is key to a smooth tempo, a consistent golf swing and having power in your golf swing.







In this tip I show you a simple trick to help your weight shift in the downswing and into the follow through. This is for both irons and woods.

The golf weight shift is vital to hitting long and straight shots yet few golfers I see do it right. Most golfers are flat footed at impact. Some move sideways and some spin out on this back foot.

This is a precise move but this trick shows you exactly how to do the weight shift so you are in perfect position through impact and into your full follow through. I would suggest working on this in practice swings first so you learn how to do it. Once you do then try it with irons first. Get it with irons and slowly graduate up to the longer clubs.

This is going to take a little understanding, new feelings and a bit of practice but once you master the weight shift you will hit the ball longer and straighter than ever before.




