Golf | Golf Box Usa | Page 45

Sean Foley – Drills to Control Golf Swing Tempo

In today’s video Sean Foley shows you a simple drill you can practice to control your golf swing tempo.

If you swing too fast or you were too quick from the top or you felt rushed, these are all common phrases used by golfers who struggle to control their golf swing tempo resulting in poor shots on the course.






Sean Foley Explaining the Divergence Plane

Don’t be fooled by your face angle at impact…you could be chasing your tail in the end!

Description of the D plane and how it affects golf ball flight.





Lead Arm Pull vs. Trail Arm Push

We all fall on the spectrum of swingers to pushers. Davis Love was more a lead arm swinger for example. And Lee Trevino was more of a trail arm pusher.

Most of us fall somewhere in between. This drill helps my students better feel proper mechanics for both arms.







This weeks swing analysis looks at helping you strike down on the golf ball with your irons stopping those fat and thin golf shots.

Most people who try to hit down on the ball are hitting pulls, slices and skying their driver.

In order to hit the ball before the ground, you need to move forward. Here’s a drill to help you descend into the golf ball without chopping.






Stop Casting the Club

Stop Casting the Club

How would you like to stop loosing your power in the golf swing? How do we stop from casting the club? For those looking to keep their lag, this video on Stop Casting the Club is for you.

If you’re looking to transfer max energy, we’ll cover some stop casting techniques, while improving key fundamentals.






Hitting With Your Right Side for More Power!

People often talk about hitting the ball with your right side, but what does it actually mean and what benefits come from doing this?

Dan covers a lot of great technical information in this video that can hopefully help you to improve your swing.






Keeping Left Arm Straight In Golf Swing

In today’s video Rick Shiels Senior PGA Golf Coach at Trafford Golf Centre helps explain what the left arm does during the golf swing and if it should stay straight or not.

Use this simple golf tip to improve your golf and help you play the best golf you can.






Home Fitness: Mobility Week 2

Home Fitness: Mobility Week 2

This 4-week golf program with fitness expert Carolina Romero focuses on performing exercises that are good for the rolling of tight muscles, upper body rotation, lower body rotation, as well as upper and lower body separation.


Speckled Foam Roller for Muscles

Foam Roller

4 Sizes Available 36 Inch, 24 Inch, 18 Inch, 12 Inch. 

Click Here to Order:


Stay tuned for week 3 which will be posted next Sunday!



