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Everyone wants to learn golf swing techniques as quickly as they can, but keeping this mindset throughout the learning process may only leave you frustrated. Nothing of great achievement ever comes easily, and the perfect swing is no exception. If you want to learn golf swing techniques, you’ll have to learn them the right way.

First of all, keep in mind that it’s going to take practice — and lots of it — before you can learn golf swing tricks that elevate your game. There are so many things that go into a good swing that it’s virtually impossible to master overnight.

So to learn the golf swing, you’ll need to learn patience first. Be patient enough to learn the proper postures, the proper movements, and the proper decisions. And it all starts with the proper attitude! If you want to learn golf swing tricks, I’d say Trick #1 would be to have a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor. If you make a bad swing, no problem. Just do better on the next.

Secondly, remember that despite what the experts say, golf still has its physical side. You may have seen newbie golfers aching and complaining after playing a few holes — simply because they haven’t conditioned their bodies to the rigors of swinging a golf club several dozen times a day.

To learn a golf swing that’s good enough to let you enjoy a good round, you’ll have to put in the necessary exercise. You’ll need stronger legs for balance and to keep your swing from deviating all throughout the motion, as well as a strong upper body to deliver the swing itself.

To keep from hurting yourself during a round of golf, do flexibility exercises regularly. More flexible joints mean many things for a golfer — a deeper windup, a more thorough follow-through, and more energy throughout the day. Flexibility also makes it easier for you to learn swing tricks usually reserved for professionals.

Finally, learning golf swing techniques means going the extra mile to correct your little mistakes. It helps to have sharp-eyed friends or trainers to clue you in on what’s hampering your stroke. When practicing alone, invest in a video camera so you could record your swings and be your own best critic.

It takes hundreds, maybe even thousands, of hours to learn golf swing techniques that will eventually improve your game. Remember that in a good round of golf, every single swing counts. It pays to invest in methods that will plug all the holes in your game, so to speak, and help you enjoy the game as it’s meant to be enjoyed.

Do you want to discover the secret to a straighter, longer and more consistent swing?


Golf Swing Drills and Putting Drills Are THE PATH to Playing Better Golf Sooner. The More Often YOU perform these Drills, The Faster YOU Will See Results In the Form of Golf Shots That Get Closer to Your Target And Reducing the Number of Putts needed to get Your Ball into the Hole. It’s That Simple!


Golf – Shoot lower scores – pitch like the pros . Alistair Davies golf shares with you how to improve your pitching to lower your scores. Learn how to pitch it like the pros.


Long bunker shots are some of the hardest shots to hit in golf – which is probably why they’re one of my most requested topics! In this video I show you a couple different techniques for hitting long shots out of the sand, plus end with a couple of putting tips and drills to help you improve your short game.


You should always do some research before you buy your golf equipment. Just as well you should never overlook the importance of the golf ball. If you’ve played golf much at all, you have seen thousands of different golf balls on the course that are all different in some way. Some balls feel like a rock when you hit them, some feel very soft. Some will go farther with less spin, some will travel a shorter distance and spin a ton. Golf balls are made for spin, durability, feel, distance, and even cost.

Balls that are made for spin are usually wound balls that have a core of soft windings. These balls will be softer and will have a good feel to them. Balls that have more spin are usually preferred by lower handicap golfers simply because they spin more. Someone who has trouble controlling the ball (especially with driving) will find that these balls will be even harder to control. The more a ball spins, the more it is going to hook or slice. These balls usually are the most expensive.

Durability and distance balls usually fall into the two piece category. These halls have a hard inner construction with a hard covering. These balls are made for distance and will produce the least amount of spin. These balls are great for those of us who have trouble controlling the ball. However, if you pride yourself at being able to shape different kinds of shots, this ball is probably not for you. Because this balls is harder than most, it is also going to last longer. These balls are usually the cheapest.

There are also multilayer balls. These balls try to blend the soft and hard feels to get an all around good ball. The distance is provided by the construction of the core, and the softness for iron play and spin is on the outer layer. These balls have mid range prices and are usually good for those who have around a 10 handicap.

So before you take a trip down to your golf equipment. store to buy some golf balls, make sure are aware of your skills and what your goal is in golf. If you simply just want to play golf and don’t care about the ball, buy the cheapest ones you can find in the biggest quantity. If you are struggling with control and want some distance, go with a harder ball. If you are looking to get more spin on your shots and have a softer landing into the green, go with a soft wound ball. They will be more expensive, but there is a world of difference.


See how Saturday at Bethpage Black played out in the 2019 PGA Championship. is the official website and YouTube page of the PGA of America and …

source is the official website and YouTube page of the PGA of America and has exclusive, original video around golf instruction and golf equipment, as well as PGA Championship, Ryder Cup and Senior PGA Championship highlights.


Origin of Golf

Golf is a very old game, we all know this, but what isn’t well known is what country invented golf? During research we discovered that nearly every country has a claim to Golf’s origins. Some say it originated from bored shepherds knocking around stones with their crooks. This was disproved as it is widely known that herding sheep is anything but boring. You walk amongst the wool covered beasts trying to prevent a stampede and see if you’re bored.

The first accepted historical written reference to golf, or ‘Gowf’ as the Scottish hillbillies called it, was in 1457, etched on the side of a statue. Apparently the archers of the time were spending too much time playing ‘Gowf’, and not enough time shooting arrows. The Scottish government declared it against the law to play golf and inscribed this mandate on the side of a statue.

What no one seems to be clear on is where golf came from before this? How did golf become so popular in 1457 that it had to be banned? Did it just spring up from the ground, a fully formed sport ready to be played? Of course not, that would be silly. Like all things in life it was a slow building process that culminated in creating the greatest sport the world has ever known.

During our hard hitting investigation we came across a reference in a wax tablet, unearthed in ancient Rome. Our research team here conducted a thorough and exhausting investigation into this wax tablet that led us across the Pacific Ocean, but not really as we pretty much never left our office. Unless you count trips to Taco Bell. Our objective was to finally uncover the truth behind golf’s origins and what we found blew us away.

The first form of golf, played around 122 A.D., was very similar to modern golf in that you swung a club to hit a ball, but the ball you hit was actually your opponents and by ball I mean testicles.

Yes golf started out as a pain threshold game wherein the two, or more, players would take turns hitting each other in the “Shag Bag” until one passed out, tapped out, or died. It was a rough sport, played only by the nobility of the time. Women were forbidden to play, but simply because they lacked the necessary ‘equipment’. This version of Golf was eventually banished as it was much too silly.

Some people have compared modern day golf to this much older version in that, they feel like their getting nailed in the ‘Shag Bag’ every time they pay for their round.

Eventually around 1691 Golfers realized they could enjoy a fun filled, painless version of golf. They began hitting actual little stones across wide open fields. They used rabbit holes as their golf holes and they began tallying the number of strokes each player had.

Once again some people in power didn’t like the common man having any fun. To curb the masses from playing ‘Lucifers Game’, as the church began calling it, the Scottish Parliament passed a law forbidding anyone from hitting a stone with a stick unless they were dressed as a clown. The penalty for hitting a stone with a stick was called the ‘Nib Nibber’ and involved a trained poodle and a jar of peanut butter.

For the love of the game, golfers obeyed this law and began dressing as court jesters and circus clowns whenever they played golf. (Yes circuses were around in 1691) We believe this is where the tradition of dressing like a complete ass came from. A tradition that many golfers carry on to this day.


Source by Kevin Pierce