Golf | Golf Box Usa | Page 118

The Golf Grip is the very beginning. It all starts there and works its way through movement, through swing, and through release.

From novice to expert the range of how to grip the golf club is very dynamic. Each little point can help you control your swing all the way down to where the ball can land.

If you want to learn more about where to place your hands and how that has effect on where the ball will go. Watch the video for these 3 tips and l introduce an awesome training aid as well.

The Golf Grip Training Aid


The Golf Grip Training Aid



Shallow your Downswing!

If you want to hit the golf ball further, more accurately and more solidly then you want to work on your downswing being less steep, so that you can rotate your body more through impact.

A steep downswing results in you using your arms far too much as you strike the golf ball, which reduces your power and club face control.

Try this easy to set up drill to get your arms closer to your body on your downswing when you are next at the range, so that you shallow your downswing and make a better body turn and swing, through impact.


Alignment Sticks 3-Pack!



One of the most crucial but often not discussed part of the golf swing is the arm and hand path throughout the swing.

In this video Jonathon helps you to learn how to use your arms and hands correctly in a golf swing.’ and shows how this move can help you play some better golf.



At Home Golf Drills for Power

Follow along as Mike gives us at home golf drills to load the backswing for power.



Tilt and Turn Drill

I Have talked about it before but this video will show you how pelvic tilt can increase your hip rotation.



This question about ways of generating more speed in the golf swing.

Your lead leg is a brace to accelerate against. But, if you straighten too early or hyperextend your leg, you’ll cause strain throughout your body.

Don’t get caught up in the terminology. Sometimes it can be more confusing than it needs to be.

The more you understand the golf swing, the better you will get at generating speed.



Hands Control the Clubface

The first step to becoming a golfer is getting a great pair of hands. You can have a hundred swing faults but great hands will save you everytime.

The momentum of the club directs you. Learn to feel where your hands should be relative to the club head at impact.


Single Arm Pivot – Momentum, Control, Release!

In this video Mike focuses on the single arm pivot in the downswing as an essential drill for developing your most natural golf swing and directing the momentum of the club properly.

