Golf | Golf Box Usa | Page 108

For most golfers, achieving a flat left wrist is something that will never happen. How sad is that?

The average golfer will never know what it feels like to compress a golf ball properly because they don’t understand the ONE REASON why they still flip the club at impact!

In today’s video, I’ll show you how to fix this problem once and for all by making one simple change in your golf swing to get the flat left wrist!



In this video we’ll look at the topic of wrist set and show you how to do this correctly in your golf swing to create better lag.

Wrist set for more lag sounds like a great idea, but if you don’t do it the right way, you’ll lose power instead of gaining it.



This video helps to simplify the golf swing plane so that you can easily feel the correct backswing, downswing and impact position through the golf swing.

I’m sure you’ve tried to improve your backswing, downswing or impact position with a number of golf tips or drills but it’s not always easy to feel what to do.

In this golf video I introduce you the Helicopter drill that is designed to help you FEEL the correct positions in the golf swing plane.

It’s a simple tip for beginner golfers but will benefit anyone looking for a simple way to improve their golf swing.



Today we’re going to talk a little more about the golf grip and how to get the hands on the club so that the clubface can stay square.

The golf grip is the only way of you connecting with the golf club, this means its vital for controlling the clubface at impact and throughout the golf swing.

If the grip is TOO strong or weak then controlling the clubface becomes increasingly difficult.

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Right Wrist Angle

To deliver the club with the face angle to hit the shot you’re trying to play, the wrists need to work in a way to make that happen. Simply trying to keep them passive or “out of the shot” won’t produce the results you’re hoping for.

In this video, we’re going to look at the right (trailing) wrist angle from the top of the swing to impact.



Correct sequence in the downswing

How do you start your downswing? Is it from your upper body or lower body? Initiating your downswing correctly will help you to improve your impact position and as a result you will become much more consistent, hit straighter golf shots and see an improvement in shot length.

This simple drill will get you starting your downswing with your lower body moving first, shifting your centre of pressure towards the target and allowing you to rotate your pelvis, then your upper body towards the target as you swing through impact. A fantastic drill for anyone struggling to create a great impact position, lag and weight transfer.



How would you like to create more lag in your golf swing?! How do we know what the feeling of good lag is?

For those looking to get more distance, this video on create lag With The Pump Drill! is for you.



Impact position is an enigma for many players. In this Tip of the Week, my goal is to shed some light on how to get that great impact position the pros do with such ease. Impact simply means that you are compressing the ball, striking down behind the ball, which is what gets the ball airborne.

I see too many players do the exact opposite. Instead, of hitting down, they are scooping up on the ball. Scooping the ball does get it airborne, but it sets the ball on a flight that is too high and travels a short distance.

If you want more distance let’s get you compressing now!

