Johnny Miller’s Best Swing Tip:
Return your left shoulder to its starting position for shots that never leave the flag, as demonstrated by Golf Magazine contributor Johnny Miller.
Johnny Miller’s Best Swing Tip:
Return your left shoulder to its starting position for shots that never leave the flag, as demonstrated by Golf Magazine contributor Johnny Miller.
Swing Down The Line
Here’s a simple swing key for anybody who struggles maybe pulling the ball, cutting, hitting slice shots, maybe your ball flight’ is too high.
In this video Mike teaches us how to swing down the line. The key is staying on the line from the backswing through the impact zone and into your follow through,
Learn a couple golf drills you can do indoors or outdoors.
Follow along with Michael Breed from the Golf Channel as he shows 2 great indoor or outdoor golf drills that can help you improve your golf swing.
Swing on Plane Drills
In this video Mike Dero teaches how to swing on plane with some drills that will help you to master your golf swing. Have fun implementing the difference is enormous!
2 Hip Movement Drills
Speed and power comes from many places in the golf swing and the longest hitters maximise their potential in each of those areas.
This particular video focuses in on the hips and the two movements that they can make through impact to give your speed a boost and add power to your game.
Use the two dills provided and add speed and power with these two hip movements.
Golf Swing Coil for Power!
So much of your golf swing power and control comes from coiling your body correctly both in the backswing and downswing.
In this video I show you the golf backswing coil. This is essential in creating the necessary torque for a repeatable golf swing.
Once you learn how to coil you couple it with the uncoil for a powerful consistent swing.
There is an important angle in the golf swing called “lead arm adduction,” and it is the angle formed between your lead arm and your shoulders. As you bring your club to the top of your backswing, this angle will naturally reduce. But if you compare the swings of great ball strikers with those of amateurs, you will see an important difference that happens in transition.
What we see with the better players is their lead arm abduction angle actually gets smaller as they start the downswing. Think of it like they are leaving their arms in position at the top even as they start the downswing with the rest of their body… their arms get closer into their chest. This motion stores energy in your arms, giving you a boost in club head speed as they eventually spring through impact.