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Come on everyone; are you still receiving INSTRUCTION on how to shift weight?? PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO and learn a task that will deliver the best weight shift your swing has ever had and this, WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT WHERE AND HOW AND WHAT TO SHIFT. What needs to shift is the whole industry of teaching and our way of seeing and doing and executing things. Enjoy!



1. in actual fact, as opposed to what is said or imagined to be true or possible.


Alignment in the Golf Swing Simply Explained

This simple explanation of alignment will free of your misperceptions. Are You Ready To Play The Best Golf Of Your Life With The Jim Venetos Golf System?



You are currently watching a video about a hidden move no one tells you about in the golf swing on how to get better. This video will really help people improve …


Golf Fitness – QL “quadratus lumborum” and Hip Drive Exercise

The hip drive as we know is an important part of the golf swing, helping us push and release our speed to its full potential. In this video, we go over an exercise to help you engage your QL “The quadratus lumborum (QL) is the deepest abdominal muscle” brace your core section, and then hip drive, in a fantastic way to wake your body up for the golf swing.


How to Play better half swing shots around 40-60 Yards

Steve Buzza gives some quick advice on how to improve your half swings or pitches from 40-60 yards. 

Follow the Buzzman on Twitter @SteveBuzzaGolf


Golf Stance Tips

Golf Stance Tips

Many newer golfers (and a few older ones, too) have a tendency to misalign themselves when they take their stance. Normally, what they will do is aim way right of the target and they do this for a reason. Players who are misaligned from the get go and aim right are usually players who try to swing with their arms. When they do this the ball will almost always take off to the left. So what they are doing with this “right side” target trick is trying to fix a problem before it even happens!

In theory, this should not be a problem … but this is not theory, it’s golf. When an “arm swinger” forces his ball back on the fairway by overcompensating his alignment, he thinks he’s doing himself a favor. But on those occasions when he actually makes a good, solid full body swing, his ball zips off into the trees on the right or into a right side bunker and he gets mad, and what’s worse is that by using this misaligning method he’s never going to reach his full potential as a golfer.

These players need to work on the basics of their swing, using their body as a whole and not just their arms. But they also need to know what their alignment is.

So how can you (or anyone else for that matter) see what your alignment is to the target?

Well, here’s a simple and very effective tip to determine what your target alignment really is.

Take a stance (your usual stance), aim at a target that you would hit at, and then lay a club down on the ground from toe to toe. Now step back about 8 or 10 paces behind the ball and club that you laid down and sight down the club. Sightseeing down this club will reveal your alignment.

If the club is a bit left of the target, then you’re fine. But if it’s to the right of the target, you are out of alingment. Simple but effective.

If you discover that you are out of alignment (that the club on the ground is pointing to the right of the target) then you need to work on squaring up your stance.

Being square to the target is one of the most important tips in golf. Every ball you hit will be affected by this stage – either in a good way or if (if you’re in a misaligned stance) a bad way. It really is that simple.

Now when you are certain that you are in a square place, hit a few balls. If the ball goes way left of the target, you know you are pulling it by trying to use too much of your arms. If the ball goes way right, you know you are allowing your body to slide too much through impact.

By being in a square situation and evaluating a few practice shots, you can determine a lot about your swing and those areas that you need to work on.

Source by Robert Partain


Maria Palozola demonstrates her ‘Ba Boom’ hip motion that adds power and stability to your swing by shifting your weight and turning you towards the target.

A common question in lessons is what to do with your lower body. In this lesson Maria Palozola demonstrates how the lower body and hips work in the golf swing. Getting it right can increase your distance and result in more accurate shots as well.

Source Maria Palozola



This show discusses if there is a perfect grip for golf. Piers and Andy show you 3 things to avoid when gripping the golf club and fixes to help cure these faults.
