Golf Training Videos | Golf Box Usa

How to Turn Your Hips Properly

Many golfers struggle with good contact from early extension. Many times they feel this or know it happens and try to fix it in their downswing. Many times I see it happen in their backswing not getting loaded and being off balance. In their backswing they will move closer to the ball.

Here is a drill from Nick Kumpis director of instruction Santa Ana country club to help you turn properly and get loaded in the backswing and make sure you do not get closer to the ball. Put your golf bag behind you with your driver head over about an inch away from your right cheek then make a backswing and your cheek should push into it. If it does not your getting closer to the ball and not turning and loading correctly.





All the best players do THIS – Swing SLOWER but hit it FURTHER

Would you like to swing slower but hit the golf ball further like all the best players? Well in this video Ali will show you why you have lost distance or miss out of extra yards but most importantly how to correct it.






Right Elbow In Golf Swing Key To Consistency

Gain power from your trail elbow. The trail elbow is an important part of the downswing and something that is often overlooked. You can gain power and distance with a better downswing position.













How eye dominance affects setup and alignment

In this video segment, SwingFix instructor Justin Bruton explains why eye dominance plays a major role in your alignment and how you should set up to the ball.









Right Hand Throwing Motion Through Impact

Today’s video clarifies the concepts of pulling the club handle down at the top of your backswing vs. the concept of throwing a ball with with your right hand to get the club head in position at impact.

Here’s how Mike explains the right hand throwing motion in your downswing through impact.








