Golf Training Lessons | Golf Box Usa | Page 9

This tip explains the golf weight shift throughout the whole swing.

This is vital in developing power and consistency in your shots. If you make a mistake here you will be in a position where you will be trying to hit the ball solely with your arms. If this occurs you will lose power and and consistency due to the wrists tightening and clubface manipulation.

The proper golf weight shift starts at address. Once evenly distributed you load into the back leg so you can build a powerful downswing. All sorts of problems arise when there is not enough weight loaded on this back foot at the top so make sure you are practicing this half of the swing first.

Once you learn the golf weight shift into the backswing it’s time to learn the correct weight transfer into the down and through swing and into the follow through. There is definitely a lot to learn so take your time and focus on the proper distribution throughout your swing.




This video is about how to shallow the golf club in the downswing in order to generate more power and more consistently straight shots.

It’s all about how you can shallow the club in the downswing with one simple feeling.



If you’re looking to build an effortless golf swing it all starts with the grip and setup. This tip explains exactly what I feel in my grip and setup as I get ready to hit the ball. This is vital if you want to develop a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing.

So many people I teach are all locked up and gripping really tight as the setup to the ball. If this is you there is no way you will turn your arms off as you hit the ball and use your body. So it all starts here with the setup.

Make sure this tip is on your mind the next time you practice. Check your grip pressure and arms as you get ready. Yes, this will feel different and will take a while to get used to but it will be well worth it because you will now have a chance to use your body not your arms to hit the ball.



Many golfers struggle with hip rotation, backswing positions and hip extensions.

The biggest problems with amateur golfers is an early hip rotation and over the top move which is caused by a right shoulder and elbow move not a over rotational movement.

This video discusses how to stop an early hip extension in the golf swing. The answer is quite simple and learning how to rotate the body through the golf ball correctly, matching this up with your style of golf swing and you have a great chance of creating a great rotational golf swing on plane.





How we use our body is very closely linked to how to swing the club and this drill helps work towards a good body move.

Chris Ryan shares a simple drill that can be done without a golf club, this drill will enable you to work on the body movement required to make a backswing whilst also becoming more aware of how each body part moves. 


Are you struggling with rotating in the golf swing?? How do we keep from getting stuck? For those looking to stop sliding in the golf swing, this video on Weight Shift vs Hip Turn is for you.

In this video we’ll cover shifting and turning, while improving key fundamentals! Start having real control of your game.



Golf fitness workout for developing more explosiveness in your golf swing.

Try these stretches/exercises for a bigger backswing and to help you hit the ball further.



How to hit the low stinger shot off the tee like Tiger. 

Play it with a long iron or wood and find the fairway more often.

In this video you’ll learn how to play the stinger shot so you can sting it next time you tee it up.

