Golf Training Lessons | Golf Box Usa | Page 5

The proper way to use pressure shift and weight shift in your golf swing!

Often times these two terms are used interchangeably, but they couldn’t be further from each other. One is slow and cumbersome and the other is fast and athletic.

Understanding when and how to use both a pressure shift and weight shift in your golf swing can have a big effect on the quality of your shots.



You are currently watching a video about 5 secrets to a professional golf swing this video will help all golfers.


Green Reading like a Pro

In this putting lesson, I will show you exactly how pros think over a putt. This will help you read the breaks like a pro and make putts left and right!



Crush your driver with 3 simple steps! 

If you want to get the most out of your driver you have to make sure you are following these simple steps in your setup and also what you do in your golf swing. If we can get the right impact factors from your golf swing by having good fundamentals and the right idea of what you are trying to create during the golf swing you will see you achieve better results with the driver.

If you look at the likes of Rory McIlroy, Tiger Woods, Brooks Koepka and even going back to the greats like Gary Player and Jack Nicklaus they all had solid fundamentals and achieve similar things in the golf swing that help them to become best players in the game.



Here is a huge video on flow that validates what we do in a major way: 

Flow the science-THE DEEP NOW-anti-anxiety-motivation comes from it (you want more) we pick up data more efficiently-salience Flow follows focus-right here and right now!

When Brooks Koepka was diagnosed with defective timing because his arms were outracing his chest, was it a case of taking the whole bottle of aspirin? Was it really a defect in his swing like most of us would think or are there other underlying causes that are much simpler to diagnose and treat? This video will allow you to see the other side that has flown under the radar of the golf teaching community and show you why it is so relevant to yours and my success as a golfer!




How do we know when to extend in the golf swing? For those looking to master their swing posture, this video on 3 Keys to Better Extension through impact is for you.

In this video Chris will cover the proper extension through impact and give you 3 checkpoints to ensure you can achieve this powerful move all while improving the key fundamentals! Start having real control of your game.



Swaying during the backswing (which is an excessive lateral movement) is a common problem with most mid to high handicap golfers. It can be caused by a few factors, but predominantly by trying to add greater power to the swing. I have noticed it often becomes more prevalent late in the round when we tend to get a little more tired. Then we try to generate a little more club head speed, causing a rocking back in the swing, and the swing as a result falls apart.

Before we get into how to correct this common golf swing flaw, let’s examine how swaying in the back swing can totally wreck a proper golf swing. The object every time you swing the golf club, from driver to putter (okay, not the sand wedge), is to strike the ball cleanly as consistently as you can with as much club speed as you can generate. The best way to accomplish these two objectives is keeping the club on a single plane from takeaway, through the back swing and with the follow-through.

Swaying in the back swing makes it impossible to keep the club on plane, and as the club approaches the ball its approach is too low, or flat. Typically this will cause a “fat” shot, or hitting the ground prior to the ball, or “coming off the ball”, or hitting it thin. Keeping the club on swing plane is the only way to consistently hit the ball cleanly with maximum club speed.

So how do we fight this problem? Standing in front of a full-length mirror and swinging, watch to see any lateral movement of the head as it lines up on a point on the wall behind you. You may be surprised at how much your head moves. Correct the sway in your swing by feeling the swing when your head is still.

Another way that has been promoted by several golf instructors is to place a stick in the ground about three inches outside of the back hip. Then hold a club against the front of the shoulders with the arms crossed. Pivot the body as if you were in the back swing. If your hips sway and touch the stick, you know you are guilty of swaying.

These are drills you can do, but obviously when on the golf course you can’t use them. There is one rather easy golf swing key that may help when playing a round.

When in the back swing be sure the front knee is bent and pointed at the ball. At the same time drop the back hip away from the target, to the point the hips are at about a 45% angle to the target. It will be nearly impossible to sway back if your hips are in this position. Plus you get the benefit of having the core generate most of your swing power, which of course is where most of your strength is.




What must you do to strike your irons well? learn 3 golf swing drills that will help you achieve the one key aspect to strike your irons better.

If you are finding yourself topping the golf ball, striking it heavy or fat and would like to know how to strike the golf ball better then this golf swing drill will be a great starting point.

