Golf Training Lessons | Golf Box Usa
Divot Board

Divot Board

The Perfect Training Aid!

Divot Board

The Divot Board is not only a fantastic tool to monitor your swing path, but also amazingly portable! Clip the Divot Board onto your golf bag and bring it with you to any range, course, or country club! The impeccably designed board can is meant to be a travel companion that can be utilized wherever you play golf. The rubber grip on the bottom of your board can also be removed, to allow for a smooth transition from range to bag.

An Essential Tool for Your Golf Game!

Divot Board

Every golfer needs to own the Divot Board. The instant feedback the Divot Board provides is essential to self-improvement in your game. When feedback is immediate, learning is enhanced and more meaningful. When you can feel your swing and review your stroke on the Divot Board to see the effectiveness, your brain can do increased amounts of learning and build upon each swing. So the greatest improvement can occur, feedback needs to be internal and each golfer needs to know precisely the faults in their swing and what can be done upgrade their approach.

Improve your Golf Game Today!

Divot Board

With its unique design, the Divot Board is a one-of-a-kind training aid in which you can get visible feedback with every swing of your club! Gone are the days which you had to carefully place a camera to record your swing, the Divot Board provides essential information on your swing path by showing precisely the angle of approach so you can correct your stroke after every shot.


Low Point Swing Path!

Divot Board

Patented Low Point and Swing Path Trainer – Instant Feedback. Anytime. Anywhere – See Your Swing Path and Learn Every Time You Hit The Ball!







Click Here to order yours today! 






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How far should the average golfer hit it?

When you watch golf there’s nothing quite like watching the pros smash their drives 300 plus yards far into the distance.

But how far does the average golfer hit the ball?

Thanks to great advances in golf tracking technology from the folks at Arccos, top analysis by Golf WRX and the latest Golf Distance Insights Report produced by the USGA and R&A we now have great data available to answer this question.

So in this video present the latest information broken down by age, gender, handicap and swing speed!








Improving Shaft Lean

Improving Shaft Lean

I have seen many cases where players are trying so hard to create a nice little bit of shaft lean at impact that they end up in a position half way through the downswing that leads to the opposite by the time the club meets the ball.

This may all sound counter intuitive but to have that nice downward strike with shaft lean we need to be in a position half way down that allows our body to keep rotating through the shot. For many player to accomplish this they would need to create more width in the first stages of the downswing.







Hitting With Your Right Side for More Power!

People often talk about hitting the ball with your right side, but what does it actually mean and what benefits come from doing this?

Dan covers a lot of great technical information in this video that can hopefully help you to improve your swing.






Get Full Shoulder Turn Naturally

How To Make A Full Powerful Shoulder Turn Naturally and effortlessly.

If you have the ability to stand up you have the ability to make a golf backswing that has a full shoulder turn.

A full shoulder turn is key to a smooth tempo, a consistent golf swing and having power in your golf swing.






Short game alignment

Short game alignment

How square alignment for your short game can improve your play. Being too open can hurt your consistency.





Shallowing the Club 2 Moves to Avoid, Part 1

It’s the move we all want in the downswing – and rightfully so. Shallowing the club is a great way to put your swing on plane and really start to narrow you misses.

But not shallowing moves are equal. In fact, there are a couple that you definitely want to try to avoid because they can actually have the opposite effect!

We’ve broken this up into two parts to make it more digestible. This is Part 1. Thank you for watching!





Early Extension in the Golf Swing

In this video Troy will be demonstrating everything there is to know about early extension golf. This common golf swing problem causes a variety of inconsistent golf shots including thin, fat, toe and two way misses. The key is not to just find early extension golf drills, but identify the root cause of the problem, and then you’ll be able to fix early extension.

You’ll discover how to stop early extension regardless of your current handicap or skill and start playing more consistent and better golf. Practice these recommended moves and you’ll be able to stay in posture, swing down on plane and make better contact with the golf ball. Enjoy the feeling of getting rid of your early extension and making a great golf swing resulting in lower scores at your next round.


