In this video I a focus on the trail arm and how to improve its position at the top of the backswing.
Have fun with this drill it’s a challenge, but very helpful.
How To Use Your Lower Body To Improve Your Golf Swing
Learn the proper sequence of a golf swing. Jimmy Hanlin and Chelsea Pezzola show you a great tip to fully engage your lower body during your swing.
Watch the club hit the ball
In just about any sport that you may have played you were at one time given the age old advice of “keep your eye on the ball.”
This practice chipping drill watching the golf ball will help you get more comfortable when game time comes.
Golf Posture Drill
Looking to improve your posture? LPGA and PGA Master Professional Alison Curdt has a golf posture drill for you!
Improving Shaft Lean
I have seen many cases where players are trying so hard to create a nice little bit of shaft lean at impact that they end up in a position half way through the downswing that leads to the opposite by the time the club meets the ball.
This may all sound counter intuitive but to have that nice downward strike with shaft lean we need to be in a position half way down that allows our body to keep rotating through the shot. For many player to accomplish this they would need to create more width in the first stages of the downswing.
Releasing the clubhead
Understanding the two most common swing releases in golf, the rolling release and the stable release.
Straight Arm Golf Drill For Compression
This simple golf swing drill teaches most golfers how compression and good ball striking can feel and look.