Golf Instruction | Golf Box Usa | Page 150



Are you struggling to hit solid shots? Do you feel jammed through contact, like you just can’t get the club through the ball?

In the next few minutes you will learn how to clear your hips in the downswing, so you can hit more solid shots and compress the golf ball.

If your tired of standing up on the shot and want to release the club properly, this will help you get to the next level! I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf.

Good luck with your golf.



You are currently watching a video about how to use your wrists in the golf swing, this is a really simple way to improve your golf swing. 


Takeaway Drill in the Backswing

This takeaway drill is the only one you will need to see great improvements in your takeaway in your golf swing.

We all need a backswing that gives you the BEST opportunity to square up the golf club face at impact!



You are currently watching a video about how to train your right elbow in the downswing with a basic swing tip.

This tip is so simple but will change your outlook on how to drive the right elbow and really help you get the feeling of how to move the elbow at the start of the downswing.



Golf Drill to Hit Better Iron Shots

Learn to be more consistent with iron shots and your golf swing here is a simple golf tip to use that will help with contact and power.

Hit more greens and rip the ball while you take a long shallow divots. This will give you penetrating consistent iron shots every time.


There are two ways your wrist can hinge, or cock, in the backswing. Every golfer does it one particular way. To get the most out of your swing, you have to hinge them both ways, which few recreational golfers do.

Hold your hand together in front of you, palms and fingers touching as if in a praying posture. Now hinge your wrists directly up toward you, so your fingers point straight up in the sky. That’s the first way to hinge your wrists, and that’s the one very golfer does. It’s the way you would hinge your wrists if you were chopping wood by lifting the axe straight over your head and swinging it back down.

Put your hands in the starting position again and hinge your wrists to the right and left, so each hand is alternately folding back on itself. That’s the second way, which is the way recreational golfers should learn how to do. It’s the way you would hinge your wrist if you were hitting a forehand shot in tennis.

The reason this is important is that allowing your right wrist to hinge backwards on the backswing preserves the square alignment of the clubface you had at address by preserving the angle your left wrist had at address. The right arm folds on the backswing and if the right wrist does not fold backwards with it, the left wrist is forced to hinge backwards, taking the clubface out of alignment. Then you would have to make a correction on the downswing to square up the clubface, and that is awfully hard to do consistently.

Learning how to hinge the right wrist takes a drill and a mirror. The drill will teach you the new movement and how it feels. The mirror will let you make sure you’re doing it right, because what needs to happen takes place behind your back. Remember while you’re doing all this that letting the right wrist bend backwards is an effect, not a cause. You don’t deliberately hinge it back; it is something that happens by itself when you take the club back correctly.

Take your grip on the club and hold it out in front of you. Notice the amount of bend there is in the left wrist. Now swing your shoulders and arms around so your hands are in about the place in space they get to at the top of your backswing and do not let the amount of bend in the left wrist change. You will find that your right wrist bent backwards. That is what you’re looking for. That’s the wrist hinge you want to add to your swing.

Stand with your mirror to your right, and swing to the top of your backswing, keeping the left wrist as it was at address and letting the right wrist hinge backward. It’s really not hard to do, but if you haven’t been hinging the right wrist, it will feel quite strange. Practice this every day until it you get accustomed to the feeling, and keep checking in the mirror to make you sure you’re doing it right.

The payoff comes in the downswing. As you start down, maintain this right wrist hinge until the momentum of your swing forces it to release. That will happen when the hands get about hip height. When the right wrist unhinges, the right hand comes into the ball providing effortless power and real accuracy.


Source by Bob E. Jones

Finishing Your Turn and How to Transition the Downswing

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How to Rip a Low Tiger Woods STINGER Shot!  

Tour professional Min Woo Lee explains how to hit the perfect Tiger Woods stinger shot. Subscribe to Golfing World for more: Golf Instructional Videos.
