Golf Instruction | Golf Box Usa | Page 126

If you want more pars, let’s make sure that you are crystal clear on the difference between your wood clubs and hybrids. So, let’s get to it!

We’ll take a look at your setup with both hybrids and woods so next time your out on the course you’ll know the proper setup between the two different clubs. 


CREATE AN ACTIVE BODY RELEASE, improve rotation, stability and power!

We all want to create that Pro like active body release. Today I talk you through 2 simple thoughts and drills on how you are can achieve that ACTIVE BODY RELEASE in the follow through.





You are currently watching a video about golf separation and how important it is to be able to move your lower body away from your upper body in the golf swing and how to do it so you can swing the golf club on plane and with extra power.

One key to hitting longer drives and staying healthy while playing golf is having good separation between the upper and lower body.

Follow along and you’ll be striking it like the Pros in no time…




Drill to Fix Over the Top

Over the Top swing plane refers to a path that is above the swing plane on the downswing. This path produces an out-to-in swing path, which imparts an unwanted spin on our ball.

The result is typically a weak-right or slice. Instead, we need an in-to-out swing path. Where I see players go off the swing plane the most is in the transition. So, let’s get your transition on the “inside to more solid shots” path!




If you’re looking to build an effortless swing this is the best golf drill you can be doing.

This drill takes your arms out of the swing. This is the first step in building an effortless golf swing.

Once you get the arms and hitting out of your swing you then speed it up with your body. If you have been hitting with the arms for years how do you ever stop hitting?

Well, you have to take it down to nothing. This drill is difficult for most people. I don’t think any student who has ever come to me has ever been able to do this on the first ball.

If you find you are having trouble with it keep doing it until you can do it. This might take a few buckets, a week, a month etc.

Whatever it takes keep doing it.

Once you master it you have successfully take your arms out of your swing and you are getting used to the feeling of the effortless swing.

It is at this point you can speed it up by driving your lower body harder instead of hitting harder.

You do this and you will finally hit the ball to your potential.

You can do it.


You may like to add some golf training aids to your golf bag.


Keep practicing you’ll be striking it like the Pros in no time…



Greatest chipping lessons

Chip Shots Instruction from greatest professionals that ever played the game.

If you’re struggling with your chip shots than this video is for you.

Follow along and you will definitely pick up some great chipping techniques to lower your score.





Are you a golfer who sees the ball curve offline causing you to miss the target?

If so then there is a very good chance this could be related to the club path at impact. In this video Adam Bazalgette shows you some great drills that can help you fix your club path and hit straighter shots when out on the golf course.




Getting the club stuck behind you in the downswing is a very typical problem in good players.

In this video Monte Scheinblum takes us through the process of fixing being stuck with left arm off the chest.

Follow along you’ll be striking it like the Pros in no time…


