Golf Instruction | Golf Box Usa | Page 111

Most golfers are told to TURN their hips aggressively to initiate the downswing. This action is causing you to spin-out of shots, swing over the top, approach the ball at a steep angle and chop at impact, and have a painful looking follow-through.

What’s the fix? Well, you’ve been told to TURN, TURN, TURN, your whole golfing life. Turning is an overused word. Let’s focus on the way the best ball strikers in history initiate the downswing. Yes, the downswing STARTS WITH THE HIPS but we’re looking at the LATERAL motion of the hips. This is CRUCIAL to your downswing being on the proper path to the ball.

The hips should LEAD the downswing in a LATERAL motion first. All great players demonstrate the hips moving toward the target before turning them. The hips don’t start turning until much later in the downswing!




Do you struggle in golf hitting your long irons pure? Many ask what they can do to hit their long irons pure.

In this video Mr Short game shows you 5 tips to hit your long irons pure and straight every time.

Follow along because this will for sure help you start flushing your long irons pure.



Golf Impact Drill

Try this great golf impact drill/exercise to help you achieve a much more structured and extended impact and post impact look to your golf swing.

This drill how to rotate your hands and arms (release) after impact with the golf ball, for consistently straight shots. Immediately after impact with the golf ball, you should feel as though the golf club extends right down the line of your target. Imagine the golf club is very heavy and how that would straighten and extend your arms away rather than them buckling and wrapping around your body.


Driver Hip Turn & Power: Incredibly Simple Drill 

Want to turn your hips well and gain power for your driver?

Most people don’t realize that the hips don’t really turn that much as you reach the top of your backswing. Even though 45 degrees is the normal amount of rotation this is only a small amount when looking at how much your hips actually move.

It’s important that you learn the proper golf hip turn so you develop the necessary torque in as you reach the top of your backswing.

Once you see it from this perspective it will become clear that a lot of hip turn is not necessary in your backswing.



How To Hit The Sweet Spot “Center of Clubface” Consistently

Ever put tape on your clubface and tried to hit the same spot each time? How did that work out for you? I bet that no matter what you tried you saw ball marks all over the face. Am I right?

The reason you can’t hit the center of the club face each time is because you keep doing a different swing arc. Once you learn how to do your widest arc you will finally start hitting the center consistently.

That’s because there is only 1 widest swing arc. If you start with your widest arc and the ball in the middle of the face all you have to do is recreate your widest arc at impact. If so, you will hit the same spot every time.

This tip explains all about how to hit the center of the face by using your widest arc. Once you understand it, check out your clubface again in the future and you will start to see that you can in fact hit the same spot on the face each time.



Simple Golf Tips To Fix Your Early Release!

Many golfers struggle with an early release in their golf swing and this can be caused by a number of factors earlier on in their golf swings.

5 simple golf tips to fix your early release to get your golf club in the right position. Yes you can make better ball contact and get the correct shaft lean in just a few minutes with some tips that are easy to follow and just about anybody can do.

Follow along these simple drills can help you move your body better through the golf swing and eliminate the early release in your game



Releasing the golf club through impact requires the wrists to unhinge and roll. In order to release the club for power and control, you need to understand these elements of release and how they occur.

This video explains the release of the golf club and talks about the benefits of different types of releases so you can improve your contact and accuracy in your golf game.



Stop rushing the downswing and get more golf power and consistency. You’re looking to hit good golf shots and you’re always eager to do so that’s why a lot of you will rush from the top.

It seems like most golfers are so eager to hit the ball further and a bit anxious to make a golf swing that they lose sight of the importance a simple and smooth golf swing is.

If you want consistency and more power for golf, this video tip can help.

