A Simple Golf Swing In 2 Moves!
So we must keep the swing thoughts, (if any at all are required) to a bare minimum and this simple golf swing lesson will do just that.
We all have a dominant side so our golf swing struggles because of it. It can cause you to be off a natural plane, whip the club on the inside and come over the top and reduce power too!
Now with your lead arm (left arm) you want to feel like you are pushing the club away. it’s still feeling like both hands to push away from your target and in sync with your hips and belly button.
Now into transition…
Feel like you are pulling through. Not down at the ball but through to the target.
With this simple golf swing of 2 parts, your timing and rhythm should be just smooth and consistent and even try counting the “1- 2” for the smooth effortless swing you want!
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