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Golf’s Most Obscure Rules


The game of golf has those obscure rules that require their own interpreter. We all pretty much know the basics. Three off the tee if you hook your Titleist into the drink. Play it as it lies (generally). Only 14 clubs in the bag and so on. However, the rules of golf, when actually read, resemble something out of an official piece of legislation or city by-law. They don’t always make sense and quite often don’t appeal to reason. There are many obscure and strange rules that you just might want to keep an eye on next time you have a side bet with a buddy. Here are my top 10 Obscure Rules of Golf: (all referenced from the USGA).

10) Decision (4-3/7) states that a golfer may replace a club that breaks when broken during the normal course of play or leaned on. If you’re breaking clubs while leaning on them, you’ve got more problems than just a bent 5 iron.

9) If you happen to hit your tee shot into the St. Lawrence River, and your ball begins to move, Rule 14-6 (Ball Moving in Water) states that you may make a stroke at the moving ball but you are not permitted to delay making your stroke in order to allow for the current to improve your ball position or lie. Hit it and get out…or better yet just take the drop.

8) You crack open the $60.00 box of Pro V’s and pull out a number 1. You tee it up and put it in the same bunker as one of your playing partners. You enter the bunker only to find out that your partner has also played a Pro V number 1 and neither of you has put identifying marks on your ball. Rule 12-2 states that both balls are now considered lost and that both players are penalized a stroke and must go back and hit their third shot from the tee. (You can pick up your brand new ball because it’s not really lost).

7) It’s okay to hit other players on the course but Rule 19-2b states that if a golfer hits himself with his own ball during the course of play, a two-stroke penalty is administered. Wait until after the stroke is complete to beat yourself up over it.

6) Got the pulls or shanks? No problem, Rule 19-3/1 stipulates that if a player happens to hit his opponent, who is standing out of the way and out of bounds, with his shot and the ball comes to rest out of bounds, there shall be no penalty and the player is entitled to replay his shot. Proper etiquette however states that the term ‘fore’ shall be used in order to warn the opponent of the impending floggin’ to his noggin.

5) According to USGA definitions, holes made by burrowing animals such as groundhogs or rabbits are considered abnormal ground conditions and are subject to relief. However, holes made by dogs (or other non-burrowing animals) are not considered abnormal and therefore, no relief is available. Call in the local CSI unit to actually find the culprit of the hole before continuing.

4) According to Rule 2-1/2 you can actually play a hole and not even count a stroke! A player entitled to a two-handicap on a par 3 can get a 0 or -1 if he gets a 2 or an ace. Beware the sandbagger.

3) Rule 8-1/15 states that a player’s caddie is well within the rules to take a club and swing it in order to show the player how to play the shot. Unless your caddie is Tiger Woods, I think the spirit of the game is to figure out the shot yourself. That’s the whole point!

2) As you approach the bunker you just sailed your tee shot into, you notice that all is not lost as your ball appears to have a good lie. As fate would have it, a gust of wind kicks up and blows some pine cones off of a nearby tree. One of them happens to land directly behind your ball. Common sense dictates that you should be able to move the cone. However, Rule13-4/18.5 says otherwise. You may not remove the new object because it was not placed there by an act from an ‘outside agent’. Rather, it is a natural phenomenon and must be played as it lies. What you should do is whistle for that dog that made the hole on # 5 and get him to fetch it away for you.

1) Imagine pounding a 300 yard drive down the middle of the fairway and then arriving at your ball only to find it in a cavern of a divot. Not only did the previous hacker not replace the pelt of grass he took, he failed to fill the divot with sand. According to Rule 13, you must play it as it lies. There is nothing like being punished for the one and only great shot you hit all day! Worst rule in golf.

For all of its quirkiness and oddities, golf is still the greatest game and pastime in the world. Rational or not, the rules governing our beloved sport actually add to its character. What other sport allows you to police yourself while making provisions for ‘spit’ hazards and penalties from ‘non-burrowing animals’? Take it or leave it, there is a little bit of golf in all of us.


Source by Jason James Ferris

This video is about How to Set Up To the Golf Ball correctly. If you are looking to add more laser straight yards then you will need great golf posture at address.
