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Let's face it; consumers today are bombarded with advertising and marketing messages from virtually every angle. From billboards to television, print media, radio, and the internet, people are constantly flooded with ads. As a result, consumers have learned to tune out just about all of it. It's tough for a business to break through all of the advertising clutter in a way that gets the consumers attention and gets their advertising message across to potential buyers. The following seven promotional products are an effective way to do just that.

The aim of any promotion is to increase consumers' interest in your business. Your business card should be an extension of this philosophy and incorporated into the promotional strategy. Business card magnets and marketing magnets make this goal possible. Give a business card magnet to your business contacts and a marketing magnet to potential customers. The magnet will be hung on the nearest refrigerator, desk or filing cabinet, not dropped in a drawer to be forgotten like many other promotional brochures or flyers. People perceive magnets as a special, useful gift. The value of using business magnets results in your contact information being kept and viewed countless times after the initial interaction.

Utilizing a can coolie as a promotional product is a great way to create a springtime marketing buzz. It is the most effective promotional item you can buy in the hot summer months. The koozie is always a hit at any golf course, barbecue, sporting event, or trip to the beach. Why not play into this and gain priceless public exposure? Since so many people love and use coolies, your custom designed can coolie will be shown off all summer long, resulting in maximum exposure for your company. Giving your potential customer a can coolie is giving them a useful gift, meaning your brand will be thought of in a good light. A custom designed coolie is the most effective promotional item for the spring and summer.

Everyone uses cups. Stadium cups are a practical solution for your beverage holding needs at any launch event, gathering, or tradeshow. The stadium cup is a practical promotional product, they get used daily. The good thing about personalized cup and mugs is that they make a great souvenir, meaning consumers keep your branded stadium cups. The plastic cups are especially popular in households with children. Plastic cups are used in a variety of ways, for their common use of drinking, as well as impromptu storage for small toys, crayons, pencils, marks, as well as snacks for children.

Create a memorable promotion with branded seat cushions. Seat pillows are seen at most sporting events, whether it be little league, high school, and even professional sporting events, there is something about a cold, or sizzling hot, depending on the temperature, aluminum bench that just does not sound appealing for the next three hours. By giving your consumers a branded foam seat cushion, they will carry it to every sporting event they attended. This means that your company will receive maximum exposure and create good will with consumers. A seat cushion is an effective promotional tool all year round. No matter what the sport, the cushion will get used and your logo will be displayed for other fans to see.

Thunderstix are a hugely popular spirit item used at many sporting events. The inflatable sticks create quite the bang. Thunder sticks are a great way to sponsor an athletic event or any other kind of event where a buzz needs to be created. The promotional noise makers have a large imprint area in which your brand information and logo will be displayed for all to see.

Answer the everlasting paper or plastic question with reusable, imprinted grocery samples. The grocery tote promotes your business and brand as well as your eco-conscious attitude. As society becomes more and more environmentally conscious, consumers are looking for solutions. Why not give your consumer a reason to stop searching and use your branded grocery tote. While grocery collections are often used to promote grocery stores themselves, they can also be used as promotional merchandise by any company of any industry. The advertising a company will receive from recipients' future use of their custom reusable grocery bags will far outweigh the initial cost of purchasing them.

Promotional products have a wide variety of benefits for businesses including increased sales, increased product referrals, improved customer image as well as continuous advertisement for the company. The most important thing to remember when selecting a promotional item, make it useful to the consumer otherwise your message will not reach your audience. Promotional products are a great way to break through the advertising clutter and create name recognition and good will with your potential customers.


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Travel Vs Vacation


Have you ever wondered what the difference is between travel and vacation? These two things seem pretty similar but I think there’s a big difference. I think that when someone is truly traveling they are experiencing a whole new culture not simply living at a resort for a week. When I say experiencing a whole new culture I mean truly experiencing the sites, the sounds, the taste the people, all of the things that make a culture what it is. I think this is the true essence of travel. How much of a culture can a person honestly experience if the simply go somewhere for a week and hang out at a hotel the whole time. It always saddens me when I hear people talking about the awesome vacation that they took or that their planning on taking. Not that I wouldn’t take a vacation it’s just not the same as traveling. Now don’t get me wrong I would never turn down a free vacation but I would much rather have someone foot the bill for me to go traveling. I think that vacation time is more of a time to relax and try to recharge your battery, where as traveling can be physically draining and tiring. Let’s look at some of the things that make travel so much different then vacation shall we.

For me travel can be an exhilarating experience, but it can also be exhausting both mentally and physically. I think above all else the thing that makes traveling so unique and amazing is the fact that you get to experience a completely different culture. I mean is there anything more exciting then experiencing a new culture? I especially love the new people that you can meet while traveling. In most foreign countries locals will go out of their way to hospitable to a complete stranger. Of course not every culture is like this and there are actually some places where you might actually be looked down upon. Another thing that I really love about visiting a new culture is the food of course I am a total food junkie so you might not like foreign foods quite as much as me. While some people get disgusted by the thought of eating something that they can’t even recognize I absolutely love the idea of being immersed in a culture through food. I mean think about it would America really be America without apple pie? Absolutely not! So just like America wouldn’t be America without apple pie India wouldn’t be India without Naan. So next time you’re traveling try some of the local foods. So aside from unique people and unique food there are a couple of other things that are great about travel versus vacation.

Some people use their travel time as a sort of soul searching time and if that’s what you want to do travel is definitely a great way to do it. People have been known to go on round the world trips for as long two years trying to understand themselves better and often times these people come back knowing what they want to do with their lives or, at least having a better idea. Also when you living out of your backpack or suitcase with the bare essentials you tend to figure out what you think is really important in life. Nothing will make you realize the beauty of a sunset like not having a TV. to suck you away from it.

Another thing that you can do while traveling abroad in foreign countries that will throw you into a culture and make you feel good about yourself, is volunteering. Now there are a lot of organizations that make you pay to volunteer abroad, and often times it’s a ridiculous fee. So my advice to you is that if you want to volunteer somewhere and you’re already at your destination is to just ask around. There are many different organizations in foreign countries, especially developing countries, that would love to have you as a volunteer, and they won’t even make you pay for it.

So now that we’ve looked at a couple of things that make actual travel so great and how you can really throw yourself into a culture let’s look at how vacationing is different from traveling.

To demonstrate how vacationing and traveling are different I’m going to use an example of vacationing in Mexico and traveling in Mexico. First of if someone were to go on vacation in Mexico they would probably go to some tourist filled city like Cancun. Not that I’m bashing Cancun I’m just saying it’s likely. So already this puts you in a poor position to learn about a culture because you’re probably staying at a resort that was made just to tailor to your needs. If you were traveling however you would probably choose a less touristy location and you would probably stay at hostel some sort of budget accommodation. Just staying at a hostel can get you in touch with real locals that aren’t just there to scam you. Also at a resort they’ll often times have American food to tailor to their American clients. This totally destroys the concept of experiencing a new culture through food. On the other hand if you’re staying at non-tourist part of the country you could experience some real local foods maybe even go to a genuine Mexican restaurant. Also if you stay at a resort you’re just going to experience resort life and when you leave you’re not even going to have the slightest idea of what locals live. On top of this you’re not going to learn anything about a new culture and I have to say learning about new cultures is one of the main reasons I love travel so much. So all in all vacationing and traveling do share some similarities but they are two completely different ways to experience a culture. In fact when you’re on vacation you really don’t get to experience what true culture is. So what would you rather do go on vacation or go traveling.


Source by Dallas Rhinehart