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If you want to achieve the correct golf swing, then you came to the right place. Here you are going to learn how to improve your swing, in just 6 steps.

Before I'll start, know that I wrote the steps for driver swing. But do not worry I did not forget about the rest of you. So, without wasting more time, let's begin.

Step 1: Stand behind the ball for better aiming position.

The first step is to stand directly behind the ball while facing the hole. Approaching the shot from behind the ball, instead of from the side, makes it much easier to aim the ball accurately.

Step 2: Stand to the side of the ball.

Now stand to the side of the ball. Make sure the ball lines up with the inside of your front heel, with your feet about shoulder width apart. This allows you to get the hands through, and provides loft. Confused yet? Look at pictures and videos. Do not guess.

Step 3: Free your body.

Before you begin your swing, free your body of tension. Bend your knees slightly, and release all upper body tension. You should feel like your arms are simply dangling in front of you. Your arms will not be doing the work, your legs will.

Step 4: Check your grip.

A good trick to make sure you have the proper grip is to use the logo on your glove. If you can read the writing on your glove, then you know you have the proper grip.

Step 5: Check your stance.

Stand with your feet apart at shoulder's width. A front foot slightly open will allow you to make a full turn easier. To get yourself in to the correct posture, imagine you are sitting on a chair.

Make sure you are not too close or too far from the ball as this can cause mishits. If the butt of the club is about six inches from the belt buckle, then you are at the proper distance.

Step 6: Swing.

The first part of the swing is called the backswing. The backswing begins by taking the club back straight. Many mishits with the driver are from taking the driver back towards the body right away instead of first coming back straight.

Imagine a 12 inch ruler is behind your ball. Try and take the club back along that imaginary ruler before starting your turn. This will keep your body in sync for a complete rotation resulting in consistent drives.

Imply the above steps, and you will swing better in no time. Enjoy your game.


Source by Assaf Levi


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When I talk to golfers about improving their golf swings, they almost every time bring up golf swing trainers. What I mean is the training aids like Medicus, Kallasssy's Swing Magic, and many others. These golf swing aids can be very effective if you take the right approach from the beginning.

What is your swing fault?

The first thing you need to do is diagnose your specific swing fault. Every golfer has a swing fault that creeps into his or her game on a daily basis. Do not you? Even if you have a good round going, your dreaded swing fails show up sooner than later? I know this is what happens to me.

Once you recognize your consistent golf swing fault, you need to look at the mechanics or physical issues that are causing it. This will help you narrow down you decision for a golf swing trainer that will help you achieve your goals.

Do not buy it because it's popular!

It is so easy to fall into the trap of infomercials. They are done so well, before you know it … you are getting your credit card out and placing your order. Do not do it! Pay attention to the exact issue each and every swing trainer addresses. The problem is most of them say they solve ALL the swing faults, which is not possible.

Your body is doing something incorrect, and it is causing your swing fault. Not every trainer out there can correct this physical issue. Therefore, you should not fall for the marketing pitch these companies are doing to you. Stay focused and pick your weapon wisely.

See if you can demo one from your local golf store.

One thing golfers never do is try to use it for free. That's right! Go in there and tell them you are interested in golf swing trainers [] and do they have the particular one you want to use as a demo . If they have one that has been returned, they will do it. I have done it and it works. You can not be shy! Go in and give it a try!

Use it consistently!

Now you've made your decision, spent the money and have it in your possession. What normally happens is you use it once or twice and put it in your golf garage never to use it again right? I can say this because I have done it. If you want to be successful with your new golf swing trainer, you've got to use it regularly! I know this sounds stupid, but I know 80% of golfers do not do this.

To be successful in anything, you need to be persistent and consistent with your new program. Set out to use it daily at a certain time of the day and schedule it in. I am dead serious! Put it in your appointment book and do it! This will insure you have a constant reminder to use it. Take this approach and the sky is the limit!


Source by Mike Pedersen


If you are a beginner to the golfing world or even a seasoned golfer, you may be looking for a way to ave a perfect golf swing. There are five main parts to a basic golf swing; These include your grip, your posture, backswing, downswing, and your follow through. The tips below can help you strengthen these five main areas and achieve the perfect swing.

Your Grip

There are basic guidelines to follow where your grip is concerned, but it is important to understand that everyone's grip is a little bit different and absolutely you must do what feels best for you.

• If you're right-handed, your golf club should be held in your left hand. It should be barely touching your palm, as you should strive to do most of the holding of the club with your fingertips. Your pinky should be located near the top of the club, and only a few inches of the club should be above it.
• Wrap your fingers completely around the shaft of the club and rest your thumb slightly to the right hand side of the center. If your thumb happens to go to the left hand side of the shaft, this will weakened your swing.
• If your thumb and fingers are not forming the shape of a "V" at this point, then perform a slight adjustment with your hand until they are.
• Place your right hand around the golf club below the left hand that has already been positioned, and lock the pinky of your right hand underneath the pointer finger of the left hand while keeping your grip and place.


This is the part of your golf swing that is often overlooked, but should not be. If you do not use correct posture while swinging a golf club, your swing will not be accurate nor will it have the maximum amount of drive behind it either.

• As you are gripping your golf club, you should be standing sideways with your feet shoulder length apart.
• Your knees should be bent, your head should be raised slowly, and you should be leaning forward slowly at the hips so that the golf club is resting lightly on the ground behind the tee.
• Be sure to completely relax your muscles, and take a few practice swings to warm up.

The Backswing

This is the beginning of the actual swing itself, and is one of the most important parts to achieving the perfect swing. It is during this time that you will begin to move the club's back up away from the ball. You will need to focus on rotating your body while extending your arms during this step.

• Your eyes should remain on the ball during your entire backswing, and you should begin to move the golf club back over your right shoulder while turning the center of your chest in that direction as well.
• Your right arm should be kept fairly straight and your left arm should be bent at a 90 ° angle.
• The left knee should begin to bend in towards the right as you are performing the steps, and your weight will be placed on your right foot.
• As you reach the top of your shoulder, your wrist should begin to rotate so the back of your right hand is facing away from you.


Without complete concentration in this area of ​​your swing, you will not be able to make an accurate shot. Hitting the ball in the correct way, at the correct time is essential to achieving the perfect swing.

• Begin to downswing by changing your weight distribution from your right foot back to your front left foot.
• Focus on keeping your grip in place and following the same path down as you did up with the backswing. Your concentration should be on hitting through the ball and on towards your target, not simply towards stopping at the ball.
• Hit the ball squarely when your shoulders are one again parallel with the ball, and follow through while watching the ball as it sails through the air.

The Follow Through

Without the proper follow through, your ball will not go in the right direction or the right distance. This is especially important when focusing on accuracy for shorter distances of fairways like those found on the courses in Branson, MO.

• Make sure that after hitting the ball, your weight has shifted almost completely to your front foot.
• Continue your swing while rotating arms and wrists until the club is up over your left hand shoulder.

The perfect swing is achievable, although it varies slowly from person to person. It all depends on the determination and effort that you are willing to put into practicing and perfecting your swing with the right techniques. Follow these tips to start developing your perfect swing today.


Source by Neil Sawford

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