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Many recreation golfers or high handicapper like myself, I have a tendency to slice the ball. For me, it is so easy with not much effort on my part … natural. But sometimes, I would wish that I could draw the ball just a little. Imagine that you are approaching a green with the pin on the extreme left, it is very difficult to reach a favorable position with a slice. A controlled draw in this situation may help.

A 'Draw' shot in golf is a controlled "hook" with the ball curving from right to left, for the right handed golfers. This is a deliberate shot performed to get out of trouble or performed to achieve position on the green. You can see many pros executing the draw to get them in a favorable ball position on the green.

To execute the draw shot, first address the ball with a slightly wider stance with the ball a little back of center. The feet should be aligned to the right of the target. Make sure your body, shoulders and hips are aligned squarely in this same direction. Next, is to aim the club head at the target that you are aiming at. This will result in a closed position where your body aims rights and the club head aiming to the target.

Next, take a controlled and wide back swing along the line of body alignment. That means, the club at the top of the backswing will be pointing to the right of target. Take a normal downswing along the same path. You must feel the right hand overtaking the left hand after the impact. This will create the sidespins required to create a draw.

The above is described from a right handed golfers perspective. You may need to adjust for left-handers.

The key again, as with all golf swings, practice is necessary for you to have a good feel of this type of golf shot. The degree on how much you aim right, will depend the amount of draw required. And it is good to practice the different angles to understand how much draw each produce.

Have a good game …


Source by Desmond Lim

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Golfers that play on teams at the High School Golf and Middle School Golf level take on a challenging situation. After being in class all day long they are hurried along to the green and this can hinder prosperity on the golf course. At their age, Junior Golfers must take added care to ensure they are properly prepared.

The following components are required in-order to successfully prepare for their best game:

Mental Preparation – think about the course they are ready to play. Visualize themselves making their strokes around the course. Prepare mentally for any challenges that may arise on the course. This may include, but is not limited to weather, ball speed, and club selection for each hole. They must picture themselselves successfully making the shots and how it will make them feel after they achieve each successful shot.

Physical Preparation – The player must stretch all muscles to get the body loose and limber. Start with the larger muscles like the legs, back, and shoulders. Then move onto arms, hands, and finally wrists. Some of the stretching can be done while walking to the course, or if you are driving to a competitors course, some stretches can be done in the car. This will help to create more time for warm up on swings and to hit many puts across the course to get a feel for speed of the course. It makes sense to work on smaller and slower swings, and increase speed gradually.

Golf Clubs – It's important that the player use clubs that are made for the golfers age and height. It's no longer acceptable to play with dad's hand me downs that have been cut down to size. Learning to play golf like a pro means using junior golf clubs [] made specifically for each juniors height and age.


Source by Mike J Miller

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