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This article is in a collection of articles that details parts of a good golf swing. This one particular describes how to get that perfect putt. Putting is one of the hardest things to grasp onto with the game of golf. Realizing a couple easy tips will lead you on the path to getting the perfect putt.

This first thing I will usually tell people is use what you have. By this I am talking about the pre-made line on most balls. Almost all of your newer balls will have this line running along one side or maybe even both sides. This is to help you and it will become your aiming aid. You can take a marker or sharper and extend this line all around the ball if you like. I personally just like to mark my ball under the balls name and leave the alignment aid alone.

So how do you use this aid? When I come up to my ball on the green the first thing I and all of you should do is make sure you mark the ball. This allows you to clean the ball and get any type of mud, grass, dirt, or anything else off of the ball. Believe it or not, some of these materials will unbalance your ball and send it off the path.

The next step is to find out where you want to aim your ball. I usually get a good read when I look at the line from behind the ball. It gives me a good idea on where the ball will break first. Then I like to walk behind the hole and take a good look. This position tells me where the ball will break last. Remember, a ball will ALWAYS break more the further away it gets. This is because the ball begins to slow down and really rolls with the angle of the green.

Alright, so now we have our aiming spot, what is the next step? The next step is to set the ball down and line it up. I take the alignment aid on the ball and try to put it as close to my aiming spot as I can. I will sometimes set the ball down (make sure your ball marker is still there) and take a step back to make sure its a straight line. Once I know the line is perfect, I'll walk up and address the ball and line up my place.

This can be the tricker part because sometimes your body feels like it is lined up when actually it is not. Make sure you have your shoulders, hips, and feet all parallel to the alignment aid on the ball and your aiming spot. Please golfers, DO NOT LINEUP TO THE HOLE! This is the biggest mistake because now you will either push or pull the ball. Lining up parallel is the KEY!

Now all you have to worry about is the speed of the putt. This will depend on the type of green, length of grass, and elevation of the line. Speed ​​is just something you will have to practice.

Hopefully you will find that these keys to putting will help you get that perfect putt. I am a big believer in the basics and fundamentals and by reading some of my other articles here you will see that you can develop that good golf swing.


Source by Jackson L. Bowman

Starring Michelle Wie, Brittany Lincicome, Minjee Lee, Ariya Jutanugarn, Danielle Kang, Stacy Lewis, Beatriz Recari, Lexi Thompson, and more. Top 15 Worst Golf Shots for 2017 – Women’s Professional…



I thought I would write this article to give some tips on golf swing help to those that are beginners. There are two main options if you are just starting out. A good start is to find some instruction at your local club and / or seek out some help online (which is often cheaper). What I will say though is that coaching yourself requires discipline, and it is vital you get the right instructions to follow through on your own.

Golf is a game of the mind – coming to play golf in a negative mindset from work or other issues in life will not be productive for you. If you want to progress in golf work on your mindset as much as you do your golf swing. Modern life can be very stressful so a meditation course or setting aside time for you is very important – you might not see the connection with golf straight away but in time you will.

Another important tip is to keep it simple. Most of us learn a lot better when information is chunked down. Imagine trying to fly a light aircraft – but trying to do it perfectly and taking all the required information in the very first time. It is simply too difficult. Golf and your golf swing are no different – break it down into smaller pieces and work on those until you can do them well and then move onto the next piece.

I hope you have found this article on swing help useful.


Source by Charles Mead

Starring Jordan Spieth, Rod Pampling, Adam Scott, Pablo Larrazabal, Ross Fisher, George Coetzee, Eduardo Molinari, and more. Top 15 Worst Golf Shots of 2017 – Men’s Professional Golf from STADiUM….
