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Many resorts like Pebble Beach, Sea Island and Augusta National have golf schools with different training programs equipped to players of various levels. From golf novices to advanced golfers, in resorts offer instruction to anyone interested in the game. Compared to traditional golf schools in your local golf course, in resorts have its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. So before you go about enrolling yourself in a golf school in a resort, consider the following to see if it's the kind of golf instruction you are looking for:

Advantages of Learning Golf in Golf Schools in Resorts:

1. Taking lessons in resorts allow an individual to learn the game and relax at the same time. For the golf enthusiast, nothing is more fun than the prospect of a vacation doing nothing but play golf.
2. These schools have programs customized to the needs of the individual or group. One-on-one lessons with a certified personal trainer are also available.
3. Aside from the usual golf lessons, golf schools located in resorts also offer other fun activities which include a nine hole (full day) instruction, outings and clinics.
4. It allows one to learn the game in the most picturesque and beautiful surroundings in the world.
5. Resorts offer a relaxing way to unwind after an exhausting day at practice.

Disadvantages of Learning Golf in Resorts:

1. The cost can be prohibitively expensive. Personalized instruction can even be more costly.
2. It takes careful planning before one can enjoy a golf vacation.
3. If you happen to enjoy a lesson or a particular instructor, you can not anymore enroll for more follow-up instruction once your vacation is over, unlike if you started classes in your own home course.

Take these considerations to heart before you enroll in a golf school in a resort.


Source by Kevin Hutto

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One of the best ways to reduce your handicap in golf is to learn to improve your putting. The short game accounts for nearly sixty percent or more of your total score for most rounds. The best golfers spend a lot of time working on the wedge game and chipping around the greens.

Find your perfect putting style:

There are many different putting styles out there to pick from. Do not get caught up trying to find the perfect stroke because every putter is different so you need to find a style that will work for you. The key to success in putting is to maintain confidence and believe that every putt you step over will go in the hole. Golfers that struggle with the putting yips usually get caught up always changing putting styles or drastically changing their routines. This leads to always doubting yourself which will inevitably lead to loss of confidence and a poor golf game. A key mechanical tip to keep in mind is to keep your eyes over the ball as much as you can. A good exercise to help you accomplish this is to hold a golf ball to your eye level and then drop the ball and see if it hits the playing ball on the ground.

Developing a selective memory is another key component to becoming the best possible golfer you can be. It is very important to remember to forget about the bad shots, learn what you can from them and then move on to the next shot believing the ball will go in the hole. Do not dwell on the misses as this is a surefire way to lose confidence and risk getting the yips. How you think has a great impact on your confidence levels so be sure to focus on the positive aspects of your game and learn from the negative experiences. Another key point to keep in mind regarding putting is to ensure that you are always putting to make it. No matter how long the putt is you want to always focus on making the putt as this will give you the lowest margin for error. This does not mean that you have to hit the putt hard but instead think about putting to make it in such a way that the ball rolls into the hole softly as this will reduce your margin for error and cause you to make the most putts possible.


Source by Kenneth Gorveski