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Golf is a difficult game to master and can be very frustrating for beginners. By following these simple golf tips, any beginner should start knock knock off of their game.

If you are brand new to golf I highly recommend that you take some lessons from a pro before you develop bad swing habits. It is much easier to learn the fundamentals of the golf swing correctly than it is to "unlearn" bad habits.

Here are a few simple golf lessons for beginners that will save a lot of frustration on the course.

  • Relax! Golf is fun. Let it be fun.
  • If you are just learning the game of golf, stick with one iron and use it. I suggest a 5 or 6 iron. A lot of the confusion in golf is where to place the ball in your stance for different length clubs. By becoming familiar with one club you take that confusion away. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using a six iron off of the tee if you advance the ball. Go to your shot and hit the 6 iron again. Some people naturally learn to bump and run on short shots to the green and a six iron will work for that as well.
  • With all that said, you may want to learn to use a pitching or sand wedge as well as an iron. If there is a bunker in between your ball and the green, the bump and run strategy falls apart.
  • You can learn to finesse the ball later. For right now aim for a spot one inch behind the ball and keep your eye on that spot through your entire swing. Your eyes should be looking at the tee box until you finish your back swing.
  • This may sound silly but try it. Do not try to hit the ball. Instead, try to make a good golf swing and let the ball get in the way. This will allow you to relax and think about your swing instead of killing the golf ball.

Out of the mountains of advice I got when I was learning many years ago, these beginner's golf tips are ones that helped me the most and have helped many people knock strokes off their game since.

Learning to putt well is a sure way to lower your golf scores. To learn more about putting click here [].


Source by Rick Greene

RICHTIGES AUFWÄRMEN VOR DER GOLFRUNDE – Personal Trainer Jürgen Toppler zeigt mir und euch, wie die Aufwärmeinheit vor der Runde aussehen sollte! Damit macht ihr den Körper leistungsfähiger…

source In this 3 Minute Workout video Ken Pierce,…


Guys stop video overload! You can actually learn the golf swing with just 2 videos and a willingness to changer your bad habits..



Learning how to swing a golf club is a lot more complicated than most golfers think it’s going to be. Sure, anybody can can the basics down, but doing it right and consistently is a completely different subject. The web is so overloaded with information and it can make the most steady person confused as to what to do and how to go about it. Well, here are easy ways to find the tried and true tips for how to swing a golf club.

Let’s start tings off with a quick tip about what you should “not” do. You don;t want to spend too much time sifting through search engine results when looking for ways to get better at this game. Sure, when you are more advanced, you can easily pin point the good tips while leaving the bad ones behind. It’s the beginners that will get confused and try random tips that they find, yet most of the tips won;t work. Most golfers who wonder how to swing golf club won’t even go this far and will instead try to head to the course and hack aways by themselves.

There is a much better way to find great knowledge on how to swing a golf club. A lot of the fantastic tips you need are located inside of the great golfing forums throughout the web. It;s the perfect place to find the tried and true tips on how to swing a golf club. Remember, for every one golfer trying to improve a part of their game, there are dozens and dozens of golfers who have already found the exact ways that work, because they’ve used them. You can find their knowledge, tips, guides, links and so much more in the various topics inside of these forums.

It’s a much better way to locate tried and true information, because search engines just pull up random pages and it’s hard to sift through them. Learning how to swing a golf club can be a fun experience and this can help you get on the right path.


Source by Adam Woodham