Here we have a look at a great drill you can use to better control your chipping distance around the green. Comment in the box below and let me know how you get on. ▻Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER…
Moe 1997 Golf Clinic video – (Part 3 of 6) Best Golf Instruction
This video is for all the Moe fans out there. It is not instruction, and i do not teach Moe’s Golf swing. See “the world’s greatest ball striker” Moe in a 1997 clinic which I filmed in Orlando…
More Pars Training » Set-up Solid with Long Irons & Hybrids
Welcome to your More Pars Training + Weekly Prize Give-Away! In this episode, I share the key points for a rock solid set-up with your longer irons and hybrid clubs. I also share the common…
Cure a Golf Slice – Breaking the Swing Down to a Five Step Approach
Cure a golf slice by examining the five parts of your swing and find out why you slice. How many of you right now reading this article feel that they can just play through your swing problems? Some of you may be able to play through it but the vast majority of you can not. I was included in this group but it was not until I got help with my swing that I started to improve.
Slicing the ball is frustrating is not it? Been there done that for years to point where I all but quit golfing for about 6 months. I finally got sick and tired of sucking at golf and decided to do something about and you can too.
Let's break down the five step approach that I focused on to help me start to fix my golf swing.
1. The impact, I started to focus on what was causing my slice. Focusing on what your club face is doing at the point of impact will tell you quite a bit. You may be swinging inside out causing you to slice or you may be opening your shoulders on the downswing causing your club to lag behind and open the face causing a slice. Understand why you slice and fixing it becomes easier.
2. Examine your grip on the club. First thing is first, loosen your grip. If your hands hurt by the end of the round then you are gripping the club too tight. Secondly, if your swing is fundamentally sound but you still slice then focus on your grip as a potential reason for that slice.
3. Addressing the ball and your stance. Make sure you are aligned properly, I can not tell you how many golfers I see that line up right and surprise, surprise they hit it right. Furthermore, if you slice do not aim left to compensate. I did this and it caused me to loose distance and not fix my slice. Go to the source and fix the slice not compensate for it.
4. The back swing is another area I focused on. If your back swing is too much up and not enough around, then the club is going to approach the ball on an angle that is too steep. This is the cause for slicing.
5. The down swing, make sure you start down without any lift or push forward with your arms. Your weight should shift to the front foot and your body should turn toward the target.
This is my five step guide to finding out why I sliced and what to focus on to fix my slice. Stop compensating for your slice but instead I want you to fix it and start having fun at golf once again.
Source by William Temple
SCGA Golf Fitness Tip – Fixing Rotated Posture
This easy stretch will help with your swing rotation!