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Do you go after the pin all the time when playing a round of golf?


Having good golf course management is such an integral part of shooting great scores out on the course. How do those pro players do it?


It’s usually through the school of hard knocks. Day after day and round after round tells them what is a good decision on the course and what is not such a good decision.


Now, what are we left to do when we are not playing as much as they do? Well here’s some great golf tips to help your game.


Take the next couple of rounds and experiment to see what course management suits you.


Take the first round and go for absolutely everything. Whether it’s a 3 iron or sand wedge, take it right at the flag. Even if there is a lake or out-of-bounds, go for it.


Take the next round and go for absolutely nothing unless you have a pitching wedge or sand wedge from the fairway. Every other shot aim about 20 feet to the safe side of the pin.


When you do this you are going to see almost assuredly that the more conservative play yields the better scores.


Amateur golfers play much too boldly trying to force the issue to get those birdies but bringing into play too much trouble.


Try these golf course management tips and you will find that you may do well on some of the bold shots but for the most part taking the conservative route is the way to go.


Source by Walter David

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Golf glove wear patterns can tell you a lot about your golf grip faults, and there’s only one thing worse than playing a poor round of golf – NOT KNOWING WHY?! There’s really no excuse though, as there are many indicators which will tell you what you’re doing wrong.

The most obvious of those indicators is your glove wear pattern, and the manner in which it wears-out. This can often tell you very quickly what faults you have with your golf grip.

On average it’ll take around 10 rounds of golf before a distinctive glove wear pattern emerges, these include:

  • Worn Out Palm – The most common golf glove wear pattern. A worn out palm is caused by holding the golf club in the palm instead of correctly holding it more towards the fingers. Gripping the club in the palm leads to a lack of distance and a tendency to slice or push the ball.
  • Thumb Tear – If you have a tear on the thumb of your golf glove it could be the result of poor thumb placement and/or incorrect golf grip pressure. This golf grip usually results in a lack of control, but can easily be fixed with a quick golf lesson.
  • Index Finger Wear – Golf glove wear and tear on the index finger is usually caused by a poor connection between player’s hands. Usually this is caused by players using an overlapping golf grip, where the dominant hand’s little finger digs into the golf glove hand’s knuckle.

Glove wear patterns and performance aren’t the only indicators that something is a miss. Like all aspects of your golfing equipment, your golf glove needs to fit you properly.

Signs that your Glove Is TOO BIG include:

  • Bunching of material around the fingers
  • Rubbing “blisters” developing on the hand

The most common sign that your golf glove is too small is ripping in the wrist area.

Have a look at your golf gloves and check if your golf glove wear pattern is revealing any of the above faults!


A correct golf grip is vital

If your grip is wrong you will have to compensate in other areas or will often hit poor and inconsistent shots. Make sure when you are practicing that you really take time to place your hands on the club correctly with a perfect grip. There really are no excuses for getting your setup wrong, especially when you are practicing.

If you are not 100% sure what the correct golf grip is, make sure you book a lesson with a PGA golf pro as soon as you can!


Source by Maurice Campbell

Learn how to chip a golf ball crisply with the chipping plane, alignment, and set up features of The Golfer’s Toolbox.
