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Tie Colors – What Does it Mean by Wearing Certain Colored Ties?
Neckwear is associated with business, special occasions and sophistication. Skimping on a quality tie or wearing an out-of-style tie can send the wrong message at an important time, so too can the color of the tie.
What message am I projecting by wearing this colored tie? Here are some basic colors worn, and the message they project:
Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. By wearing a red tie it means I am a fighter. I will not give up or give in. I mean what I say and say what I mean. I am energetic and take the initiative. Watch out, I am ready for all!
Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness. By wearing a soft pink or mid pink tie it means you accept equality and you want to work together. It also means that you want to develop strong working relationships. By wearing a darker shade of pink it means you are romantic. Pink ties are great for dates! A lady always loves a man who is “man” enough to wear pink!!!!
Chocolate/ Brown- Brown is an earthy color and means you are well grounded (grounded to the earth). By wearing a brown tie it means I am a thinker. I will take everything in and make a decision later. Do not underestimate me. I have the time to do things right. I am no one’s fool.
Shades of Blue- Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.
Royal Blue- By wearing a Royal blue colored tie it means let’s work together. Let’s cooperate. Let’s work things out. I am ready to compromise if it will be constructive. Blue is always a great choice for job interviews.
Light Blue/ Dusty Blue- By wearing a light blue/ Dusty blue colored tie it means follow me and my dream. I will lead you in the right direction. I have hope in the future and you will too, listen to my message.
Dark Blue/ Navy- By wearing a dark/navy blue colored tie it means I am not in the mood for foolishness. Be serious when you are around me. Do not waste my time.
Yellow/ Lemon/ Gold – Yellow is the color of sunshine. It’s associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. By wearing a yellow tie it means I am a positive person and full of energy. I am not a quitter and I will finish what I started. I am also an intelligent person.
Purple/ Lilac – Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. By wearing a purple or lilac tie it means I am a good teacher. I know what you need to know and will impart that information to you. Learn from my independence and creativity.
Green/ Lime/ Aqua- Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money. By wearing a lighter shade of green or lime it means I am harmonious. I want to resolve conflict to work effectively. By wearing a darker shade of green it means I am ambitious and I want to succeed.
White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. By wearing a white tie it means I want to purify my thoughts and actions to make way for a fresh beginning. White is perfect for weddings and special occasions.
Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery. Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). Black is also the symbol of grief. By wearing black tie it means you are ready for a formal occasion. It also means I am ready for the unknown and I am opening the door to mystery.
Silver/ Grey are lighter shades of black and have similar meanings to black but to a lesser extent. By wearing a silver/ grey tie it also means you are ready for a formal occasion and you are a powerful person.
Color Combinations – Design of Ties
Not everyone is consciously sending you messages by wearing ties.
World leaders and movers and shakers who are filmed by the press and are in the news know they must make statements.
The guy next to you at work may not have the same idea.
The color combinations and tie designs however are chosen by people in an unconscious manner. When they wear them however, they have made some choice. If their color combinations are predominantly in any of the colors above, they are making the same statements, or appropriately so.
Consider the color of the guy’s tie (predominant) and design. If they are confusing, he may be confused. If they are vibrant and a particular color you may be able to pick what message they are sending.
Take time think about what message you are sending when you choose your next tie. There is a very strong message to make in the language of the ties.
Source by Kash O’Hara
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Agoraphobia Is Not the Opposite of Claustrophobia
Agoraphobia isn’t the opposite of claustrophobia – but a lot of people think it is. In fact I used to think exactly that. I used to think exactly that even when I was suffering from agoraphobia. I was even offered the opportunity to join an agoraphobics group, but I said no because I wasn’t afraid of open spaces. I quite liked open spaces as long as no one else was anywhere near me. In fact if there was no other human being in sight, then that was OK as far as I was concerned. But that was all a very long time ago.
The translation of agoraphobia is ‘fear of the market place’, not, as many people think, fear of open spaces. The essence of the market place is people and human interaction. This is what is fearful. Places that agoraphobes typically avoid, or have problems with, are supermarkets, theatres, cinemas, crowds, parties. Places where a rapid exit might be difficult.
The fear is usually of showing oneself up in some way in the eyes of others. Typically agoraphobes worry about things like: vomiting (usually as a result of severe anxiety); fainting; having a panic attack; or suffering from a genuine health emergency like a heart attack. The concern is usually one of embarrassment – perhaps fainting and finding oneself on a supermarket floor gazing up into a circle of concerned faces who will insist on making a fuss and calling an ambulance.
Many agoraphobes manage to get by with a trusted helper who accompanies them when they need to go shopping or out socialising. This person is there to rescue them and take them home should anything bad, like a panic attack occur. But when that helper is not available life is very restricted.
If medical help is obtained the most likely result is medication with tranquillisers and anti-depressants. Neither of which actually solve the problem, they just enable a minimum level of functionality. The problem remains, like a monster in the wardrobe, waiting to show its scary face as soon as you turn off the lights, or look the other way. So you are trapped. The medication keeps the monster locked in the wardrobe, but doesn’t get rid of it. Stop the medication and the monster is free once more.
Life as an agoraphobe is no fun at all.
So if you are agoraphobic and reading this I want to reassure you about a few things:
- This is not a disease, but you can ‘heal’ it.
- There is nothing physically wrong with you.
- Your brain is as normal as anyone else’s.
- The cause is the way you think.
- The cure is changing the way you think.
Changing the way you think is not easy, but it is a lot easier than living the isolated, fearful, life of an agoraphobe.
When you think about the totality of the change you need to make, it seems an insurmountable task.
When you think about the single next step you need to take – it becomes not only possible, but relatively easy.
The first steps are the most difficult. Every step after those first few become easier. They become easier because you have the memory of success and knowledge that what you are doing is already making a positive difference to your life.
Source by Michael Hadfield