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Foxes As Pets – 6 Ways They Differ From Dogs
A lot of people are enchanted by the idea of owning a pet fox. They’re charming, intelligent animals, and there is a lot of appeal in having a “special” animal that not many people have. While foxes can make decent pets for someone with the time and resources to care for them, a lot of people make the mistake of buying a pet fox thinking it is going to be just like a dog.
1. Foxes Are Difficult to Train
Dogs are born with a very strong pack mentality. A dog sees you as its alpha, and is hard-wired to want to obey the leader. They live to please you. A fox, however, lives to please itself. While they are very intelligent, the core motivation of a fox is different than that of a dog. The dog wants to please you and make you happy, the fox wants the treat.
2. Foxes Stink
Foxes have a very strong odor. While a dog can take a few weeks without a bath to work up a powerful stink, foxes smell skunky 24/7. This strong, musky odor can be lessened somewhat by having the fox neutered, but it cannot be eliminated entirely.
3. Foxes Are Shy
Many people picture a fox as an awesome pet that they can show off to their friends and neighbors. Unfortunately, the reality almost always falls far short of this. While foxes often become very attached and affectionate with their families, they remain impossibly shy around visitors and strangers.
4. Foxes Have Special Needs
Foxes have special dietary and exercise requirements outside that of a dog. They are extremely energetic, and require loads of exercise every day. A large, carefully-built outdoor enclosure is a must. Which brings me to my next point…
5. Foxes Are Escape Artists
Foxes are much more proficient at getting out of enclosures than even the most determined dog. They can leap six feet in the air, climb up fences, and even cling upside down to climb along a chain link ceiling for short distances. Any enclosure that is meant to keep foxes must not only be large, but impossible to dig out of and have a full roof.
6. Foxes Are Destructive
Many people buy a fox under the mistaken impression that it can be kept as an indoor pet, and left with free run of the house while they are away at work. Nothing could be farther from the truth, particularly with the larger species like red foxes. They will steal and hide anything small enough for them to carry, and shred just about everything they can get their teeth in to. It is nearly impossible to break even the best-trained fox of these behaviors. A dog can be taught not to chew things, a fox can only be taught not to chew things while you’re watching. While a fox is loose in the house, it requires constant supervision.
In conclusion, foxes can make fascinating pets for people who are prepared to care for them. If you are interested in a pet fox, go into it with your eyes wide open, do your research, and understand that caring for a fox is not like caring for a dog.
Source by Sarah Roche
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How Much Force Can Our Bones Handle Before They Break
You have known all along that your bones are the strongest part of your body. As they are assigned to give your body a structure, to hold your posture up and to protect your internal organs, your bones have to maintain their strength at all times. Of course, you cannot prevent external and unexpected circumstances from damaging your bones. But as much as you can, you can prevent it from happening.
Probably one of the best ways which you can protect your bones is to know just how much force they are capable of handling before they reach their breaking point. Your bones are really strong. In fact sometimes they are even considered as stronger than steel. But in principle, if you divide your bones by cubic inch sizes each can handle the weight of any object equivalent to 19,000 lbs or approximately 8,626 kilos.
However, considering force requires a different understanding. As most experts say, your bones can handle weight in various ways depending on the force with which they are delivered. The more force you apply to a bone, the easier it is to break it.
In some studies, it was found out that bones can handle about 3,300 Newton of force if thrown into a rib and up to 4,000 Newton if released onto the femur. The ribs can take a smaller amount of force because they are relatively thinner than the femur.
But these are only estimates of the force that can subject you to a fracture. It does not mean that these calculations are the least amount of force that your bones can handle. In fact, they are simply estimates in between because it still depends on the density and strength of your bones. Of course, your bones can handle less than 3,300 Newton of force if they are weaker and with lesser density. Therefore, you have to check first the strength of your bones to prevent overexertion and possible fractures.
It is great to know the estimates of how much force your bones can handle before they reach their breaking point. It is suggested that you consult with your doctor or osteopath first to ensure that your bones are in healthy condition. They may be able to prescribe exercises to maintain bone strength or alert you to possible future conditions that may present problems. Your trusted osteopath is the right person you should talk regarding all bone problems.
Source by Karen Wentworth