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The golf slice is one of the average golfer’s most common game play mistakes. In golf, there is probably nothing more frustrating as practicing your perfect golf swing and finding out that your ball is sliced more times than you hit straight. If you are one of these golfers who suffer from the annoying golf slice, we reckon you probably want it to be corrected as soon as you can. You may probably be asking ‘How do I correct my Golf slice’?

To help you how to correct your golf slice, it is important to know that are the possible causes of it. In set up, there are a number of possible causes. This include bad grip or when the club is held so tight that tension is formed at the arms of the player, causing him to perform an outside to in swing. To correct a bad grip, try to loosen up your grip. Imagine you are grasping a little bird instead of a club – make your grip tight enough to keep the bird from escaping, but loose enough not to constrict it to death. However, having a week grip will cause you to have a clubface that is open. Solve this by turning both of your hands clockwise at the club.

Bad alignment is another cause of slice. The best thing to do is to align the shoulders and feet in such a way that they will be parallel to the imaginary line from the ball to the target. A faulty ball position is also a cause of golf slice. This can be remedied by not placing the ball quite far as this can make the shoulder to open and create a swing path that is outside-to-in. You can also move back the golf ball into your stance though still a little but forward from center. This is to make sure that the club is parallel to the line from the ball to the target. The clubface angle is another factor you should look into. Make sure that the clubface is lined up squarely with the line from the ball to the target.

Problems with the swing also cause golf slice. These problems include poor transfer of weight. You should transfer your weight to the front from the back foot. A good way to eliminate slice is by using the renowned ‘down the fairway’ drill by Gary Player: hit your drive and take a forward step on follow through. Another drill you can use is the so-called stepping drill which is basically exaggerating your weight transfer by raising your front leg when on the subsequent backswing and transferring your weight to your back foot.


Source by Tim Lee

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Some golfers get frustrated and are looking for golf tips, because an 18 hole round of golf can take over 5-6 hours and take a whole day out of a busy schedule. If this is one of your frustrations, there are some solutions to the problem.

Of course you might have to check to see if you are one of the reasons for slow play. Do you look for lost balls for more than a few minutes? Do you take 10 practice swings? Do you take a long time to putt? If you have any of these slow habits, you might need to overcome them by golf tips, golf putting tips and golf practice tips.

Several other tips that I found useful in being able to play a more enjoyable and less time consuming round of golf:

1. Join an exclusive country club that is rarely crowded.

2- Don’t play at a course that allows fivesomes.

3- Try to play during the week if you have a flexible schedule.

4- Find out what time the first players are allowed on the course and be one of the first groups to play even if it is 5 or 6 am.

5- If you live in a metropolitan area, you might have to drive an hour out of town to find a less crowded course. It could be very well worth the drive with your friends.

Remember these golf tips if you want to play a more enjoyable game of golf and not have to wait 10 or 15 minutes on every hole because of slow play.

A leisurely enjoyable game of golf shouldn’t take much over 4 hours for 18 holes. Enjoy your game.


Source by Don Halloran

Coach “Joey D” Diovisalvi is an elite expert who has helped revolutionize the methods of improving the golf swing by teaching the “golf body” what it needs to do …



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