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Be the ball. Concentrate. Imagine that white orb sailing onto the green and rolling leisurely into the cup. That is all fine and dandy unless your golf swing lands your tee shot on the adjoining green. Is it time to head back to the driving range and hit another bucket of balls or can your swing be adjusted at home? Using targeted resistance band exercises, you can practice your swing anywhere and perfect it for the next time you head out to the golf course.

Resistance bands are strips of latex or rubber that are used both for therapeutic activities and strength training exercises. They have brand names like Thera-band and Bodylastics. You can purchase accessories for your bands such as handles and door hangers and they come in varying levels of tension from two pounds up to two hundred pounds. For practicing your golf swing, you will want to choose a lighter resistance band.

Of course resistance bands live up to their name because they provide resistance for your body to overcome. Overcoming the resistance helps build muscle. In the case of your golf swing, the action, resistance and repetition helps train your muscles to perform. Your resistance band exercises can be designed to replicate your desired golf swing, but we believe that an upper and lower body workout with resistance bands will enhance your performance on the golf course and add endurance and flexibility to your everyday routine.

Resistance band exercises are unique in that they allow you to determine the amount of tension to be applied. By standing with your feet a certain distance apart, you can change the tension on your squats. By standing further away from the door when your resistance band is attached, you can add more resistance to your chest presses or lateral flys. And by placing the band forward or backward in your stance, you can adjust the pattern of your golf swing.

Don’t do this alone. We recommend asking your golf pro, athletic trainer or perhaps a physical or occupational therapist to help you decide on the resistance band exercises that will help you add the greatest enjoyment to your golf game.


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In the following golf swing transition drill you will learn the best way to successfully carry out a downswing using the left knee. Using the knee to push your whole body throughout the downswing is key to getting both the best line and much more power in your golf shots.

To help get the reliability, as well as acquire the strength behind your golf swing, it’s essential that you shift your weight onto your left side (right side for lefties) on your transition (the time that you switch from the backswing to your downswing).

The shifting from the left knee within the downswing moves the arc from the swing plane forward and will allow you to strike down into your ball, which then results in additional distance both in your drives and also your iron shots. You’ll be able to perfect this weight transference any time you start your downswing well.

How you Will Begin the Downswing

The transition out of the golf backswing into your downswing is the most important phase within your golf swing technique. Get this wrong and then you will ruin your entire swing. This transitional phase of the swing is that significant; many tutorials, articles, and training lessons are already designed to tackle the movement. You could have read about some of the solutions, like for example, starting the downswing aided by the arms or even the hips as plenty of PGA professionals can’t live without. Nevertheless, starting with the left knee is among the most common techniques in the golf swing transition. Below is a transition drill designed to make it easier to start your golf swing in the right way.

Exactly how the Pro’s Do Things

For most golfers you will see a momentary pause at the time in between your backswing and downswing as the golf swing changes direction. From this pause, some people are convinced that focusing on driving from the left knee is the ideal method. Any time you sit back and watch a pro player on video, you will come across exactly how his/her left knee will come away from the right knee as his or her weight actually starts to go forward. To find an improved feel for this particular vital movement in the transition of your golf swing, follow this recognised drill.

The Golf Swing Transition Drill

To help better understand just how you progress your left knee throughout this phase, get started in your familiar golf stance (golf club in hand), get your hands on a football (soccer) and place it in between both your knees. At this moment take a crack at a couple of practice swings and concentrate on holding the soccer ball with your knees through the backswing. Next at the beginning of the downswing thrust your left knee at the target superseded after that by the rest of your body. It’s going to create the gap amongst the knees so the soccer ball ought fall to the floor.

This movement (also referred to as the golf swing lag) enables the lower element of the body to start the downswing, which experts claim results in a lot of power as well as sets your golf club on the best golf swing plane.

It might feel unfamiliar to start with however, keep practicing this transition drill before you have mastered it. When you finally feel comfortable you should start to strike some balls without the help of the football. Start with one of the smaller golf irons, ideally a 7. Once you have the belief using this it is possible to proceed onto which ever golf club you prefer.

Rigorously practising this specific area of the golf swing truly can get you to hit further and a great deal more routinely.


Source by Robert B Green