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For a beginner at golf, buying a full set of deluxe clubs is almost always very foolish. When a beginner uses the more advanced clubs, he or she will likely encounter nothing but frustration. If you are a beginner and you want to buy some golf clubs of your own, you should look at some of the options that are alternative to buying a full new set of clubs. You can use a few different options (and even combine them if you’re lucky enough to find such a deal) to get golf clubs without doing too bad of a number on your wallet. The first way that a beginning golfer can get away with these huge savings is to buy a half set of clubs. This will not only save money and be lighter to carry, but it will also improve your game since you will have less of the more advanced clubs to choose from.

The half-set doesn’t have a combination that is set in stone. Usually you will end up having to choose a few to exclude and include. In most cases, a half set will include 4, 6, and 8 irons, as well a sand iron and a pitching wedge. It will include several woods, as well as a putter. Using these clubs, you will be able to have one available that will work in almost every situation. There are certain equivalencies between clubs that will allow you to drop them from your collection. For example, a 5 wood and a 2 iron have very similar. However, the wood will allow you more forgiveness if you hit it a little bit off-center. Therefore you can drop the 2 iron from your golf club set until you become enough of an expert to really need the unique hit it will give you.

Having a half set of clubs will usually allow for a beginner to really improve his or her swing before getting really involved in the game. Once you have had the half set for a while and you are proficient in using them and swinging them, you can begin to think about moving up to a full club set. The experience that you have gained from using the half set will carry over to the new ones, and you will be much more skilled than if you had simply started with the full set. It will also give you a chance to figure out your own personal preferences such as club length and head weight. When you buy the full set, you will be much more positive that it is the perfect golf club set for you.

You can acquire a half club set in one of several different methods. The first is to simply buy one that is geared towards beginning golfers. This could be a good choice, but you should definitely try them out before you buy them. An even better way to get a half-set is to mix and match individual golf clubs. Many club stores will allow you to do this, and you will just need to get some advice from an expert golfer as to which ones you will most certainly need when you are out on the golf course. Have a seasoned golfer come to the store with you and pick out all of the clubs in your half-set.


Source by Paul Duxbury

Play golf like Tiger


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Golf swing speed is an elusive term for most amateur golfers. We’ve all heard of it and know it relates somehow to longer drives, but how can we increase golf swing speed quickly and effectively?

Do you think it’s swing harder? Have you tried that approach? What happened? I can take a wild guess. The ball didn’t go anywhere! You were so tense that your golf swing speed was actually much slower.

That’s not what you want!

So how do you achieve the ever-elusive higher golf swing speed?

It starts with your engine. Your core. The center of your machine. The stronger and more flexible you get your core, the faster the arms, hands and club will come through without swinging harder. Resulting in longer and much straighter drives.

Just take a look at the main movement in the golf swing!

It’s rotational!

In ALL sports movement…what dictates the power? One guess. It’s your core. That’s why athletes spend so much time throwing weighted medicine balls, pulling weighted cables and doing tons of twisting exercises with resistance.

The same approach should be taken for the golfer wanting to improve golf swing speed. Start with simple rotational exercises that incorporate both strength and flexibility like the seated rotation with a club.

  • Sit upright with a club on your shoulders behind your neck.
  • Grab each end with your hands.
  • While facing forward, focusing straight ahead, rotate to the right and back to the left.
  • You will feel tight and restricted at first.
  • Maintain an erect posture with eyes straight ahead.
  • Do this slowly at first, then build up the rate of speed.
  • Rotate back and through 10 times for 3 sets.

This is a starting (basic) core exercise that will make a HUGE difference if you haven’t worked on your core before. You will notice a difference in your range of motion and power output on the course quickly.

You would then progress up to more resistance related rotational exercises with hand weights, tubing (cables), weighted medicine balls and even weighted clubs.

With just a little bit of effort you will see a dramatic increase in golf swing speed!

Do you want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing… and eliminating ALL your swing faults?

Source by Mike Pedersen perfect golf swing power, accuracy and consistency. You’ll hit the ball straighter and further than you ever hit before.


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