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Golf For Kids


Why should you encourage your kids or grandkids to take up golf? First, it’s a great game, challenging, enjoyable and fun if you don’t take it too seriously. Also, this is one game you can play all your life.

I remember while vacationing in Hawaii we were staying in a condo overlooking the first tee on the Big Island. While we were there the PAC 10 was having a tournament and colleges from all over the US were taking part. Here were these young guys staying in fabulous condos in beautiful surroundings. Play golf early in the day and hit the beach later. I thought what a deal. This sure beats playing football or other contact sports. You never get hit, enjoy the facilities and play in beautiful surroundings etc.

Since then I have encouraged my kids and grandkids to get into golf. It’s a great game. Ok! Now that you convinced them, what’s the first step? Well it’s got to be attitude. Remind them it’s only a game to enjoy with family and friends. Next would be equipment, clubs, balls, etc.

There are several sets of youth clubs available usually defined by age group. So pick an appropriate set and get started. These beginning clubs do not have to be expensive since they will soon be out grown or discarded. As the youth develops and learns the game he/she will contribute to club and set selection. I initially took my two grandsons with me in the cart while I played a round. I introduced them to fellow golfers as my manager and trainer. Remember, keep it light and fun.

As the boys aged I got them clubs and away we went. However, in a couple years they both gave it up. I don’t know exactly why, but they just didn’t take to it. I had even signed them up for instruction classes which they both attended. But as you know, kids either take to a sport or they don’t. In this case they didn’t but who knows, maybe someday they’ll try it again. Remember, don’t be pushy or overly demanding, they will find their own path.

Introducing a youngster to a sport is really fun and enjoyable even if they don’t follow through. So when you begin don’t have high expectations that you’re developing the new Tiger. Chances are, your not. Just enjoy the experience.


Source by T. L. Stewart

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Adams Pro hybrids review

A review of the Adams Pro, Pro DHY and Pro Mini hybrids by Golf Monthly senior staff writer Paul O’Hagan.


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The style of women’s golf apparel helps to add to the overall feel for their game. By recognizing the need for clothes that are versatile, a wide selection of clothes is offered, which is guaranteed to help you find the perfect gift for yourself and your other girlfriend golfers. All things that you would love to wear on the green.

From golf skirts to skorts and shorts, slacks and capris, women’s golf apparel is an ever-changing industry becoming increasingly customized for women golfers. The styles that are introduced along with the color choice and cuts have gradually become marketed especially for the women golf buyer.

Women’s golf apparel’s industry has changed within the year. Verdina, a new women’s golf apparel company created by top executives within the fashion world, has melded the importance of fashion with a functional feel for those wearing the apparel.

This increasingly growing trend within women’s golf apparel allows women to play the game in style. The increasingly use of feminity within the line helps to make each piece more detail-oriented. Women’s golf apparel is becoming more fashionable and flattering for every woman golfer.

While women golfers are a norm in today’s society, the guiding force in women’s golf equipment and women’s golf clothing industries is significant. The growing popularity of this sport with women has helped to expand demand for the equipment and apparel sold especially for woman golfers.

Companies have increasingly marketed toward the new buying market of women golfers —- offering women’s golf equipment and clothing especially designed for female golfers. This growing trend within women-oriented sports has helped to increase the popularity of the game. Thus, making golf a sport for both genders to enjoy playing all 18 holes.


Source by Sarah Freeland

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