Golf exercises within a golf fitness program can improve the shoulder turn in your golf swing. The specific type of golf exercises we are talking about are flexibility exercises. This type of golf fitness exercise is the center of your improving a shoulder turn in the golf swing. Interesting when we discuss flexibility and the golf swing the majority of attention is centered upon the lower back, and rightfully so! The area of the lower back and hips are major components in every phase of the golf swing. In the same breath we must remember the golf swing is a “total body” athletic movement requiring flexibility from the upper body as well.
This being said there are absolutely other areas of the body requiring flexibility to execute the golf swing. Research indicates areas of the upper body require flexibility to execute the backswing, downswing, and follow through phases of the swing. If a lack of flexibility exists in the upper body the ability to execute an efficient golf swing will be hampered.
One such area of the upper body requiring flexibility is the shoulder joint. This joint from anatomical perspective is considered a ball and socket joint. As a result this joint has a large amount of mobility within it. The mobility within this joint allows for golfer to complete a full shoulder turn, execute a downswing into impact, and complete a follow through.
If restrictions exist in the shoulder capsule compensations will occur in the golf swing. First and foremost “tightness” in this joint will cause difficulties at address position. Typically you will find golfers with shoulder restrictions unable to place the body in the correct set-up position and they will have a tendency to be in what is termed a “c-posture” where the shoulders are rounded forwarded.
In addition to problems with the address position, shoulder restrictions restrict ranges of motion backswing, create difficulty in squaring the clubface, cause an inability to release the club after impact, and impede the follow through. All of which will lead to difficulties with the golf swing.
To correct joint restrictions in the shoulder capsule we must first look at the muscles surrounding the joint. This would include the superficial muscles of the shoulder such as the deltoids, the rotator cuff, and muscles of the upper back. These are the muscles responsible for facilitating movement in the shoulder joint. In addition if any of these muscles found within these muscle groups are “tight” or “weak” shoulder mobility will be affected.
To correct such problems, increase shoulder mobility, and improve your golf swing. The addition of stretching and strengthening exercises for will be of great benefit. These types of exercises will focus on creating flexibility in the muscles that are commonly “tight” in the shoulder capsule, and develop strength in the ones that are “weak”.
Keep in mind the golf swing is “total body athletic action” requiring strength and flexibility from all the muscles of the body. The process by which we can improve these components of the golf swing is through a golf fitness program which incorporate golf exercises in the form of flexibility training.
Source by Sean Cochran