How does it feel when you walk up to the tee, in front of your friends, address the ball, swing, and completely blow it. Maybe you hit it into the woods or the desert, or into the bottom of a lake. We have all been in this position. You do it once and it's a freak thing – but then you start doing it again and again until the point when you do not want to play anymore.
When this happens to you – and it will – it is a good time for golf swing lessons. This does not mean that you have to spend an hour with the local golf pro, but it does mean that you need to identify your problem, find a fix, and practice it until it is ingrained in your muscle memory.
Golf swing lessons are one way to ensure that a once-in-a-lifetime bad swing does not turn into an everyday occurrence.
1. Be careful that you do not take advice as a gospel. Everyone has their own swing thoughts, their own mental state, and their own physiology. What works for your friend may not work for you.
2. If you are interested in identifying a flaw in your swing, first ask your friends if they see anything. Then, ask yourself. Take the time to video yourself at the practice range from all angles, and with multiple clubs, to determine if you see yourself doing anything particularly strange.
3. Many golf swing lessons are now available on the internet. These lessons can give you hints, tips, and tricks that can help you fix your problem easily and inexpensively.
But, remember that whatever way you decide to go about fixing your stroke, you have to practice and practice a lot. The best practice you will ever get is not on the course itself, but on the driving range and practice green, so put in the time and you'll see improvement.
Source by Rob Jeffries