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One of the most important part of your golf swing is your grip and you will have spent many hours over your golfing life trying to get it right but despite the most overlooked aspect of equipment in your golf bag is the golf club grip itself.

If you think about it your club's grip is only your connection to the golf club but most golfers do not generally give the club grip a second thought.

Golf Club Grip

Your club's grips play a significant role in golf and are an important part of your equipment. The proper-sized grips on your clubs is one of the most important parts of the equipment in your golf bag and one that you have complete control over.

Older grips with smooth, hard, shiny patches or wear spots will cause the club to slip in your hands and affect the position of the club face at impact. Grips that are worn will slip and force you to tighten your hold on the club resulting in less accurate shot making.

The surface tack on new grips allows a lighter, easier grip with better control of shots and less hand fatigue build-up during your golf round.

New grips promote better golf shots

Newer grips promote a good golf swing and better release at contact benefiting all levels of player. The proper size of grip reduces the tension in your hands helping you make a better shot.

Experts advise golfers to have their grips replaced at least once a season.

With new grips your golf club should feel good in your hands and you should feel confident and connected to the club head.

The Correct Grip Size

Not only does the age and condition of your grips affect the way you hold the golf club the size of the grips is equally important. The correct grip size is probably the most important part of having a good grip.

If the grip is too small the club could twist in your hands, the result of tightening your grip and squeezing the club at the bottom of the swing. The result is a closed club face at impact.

When the grip is too large the club could come loose at impact, opening the club face, resulting in a slice.

In either case, too small or too large, you're not going to make a good, solid impact with the ball and never achieve any level of consistency.

How to Check your Grip Size

If you have a proper fitting golf glove you can simply check the size; small, medium or large. Alternately, you can check with your existing clubs.

If there is space between your fingers and palm when you wrap your leading hand around the grip, when setting up to address the ball, your grip size is too large. If the tips of your fingers are digging into your palm then your grip size is too small.

Your grip size is correct when your middle and third fingers just touch the pad of your palm.

Re-gripping your Clubs

Golf grips are available in many styles and sizes and are fairly easy and fast to replace. It can be done at your club by your professional or with a little trial & error you can quickly and easily regrip your own clubs.

The feel of having new grips is almost like having a new set of clubs. Re-gripping will not only make your clubs feel new again but with new, correct sized grips you will have better Traction and the tack to provide the basis for better golf shots.


  • Your club's grips should be replaced at least once per season
  • New grips are a great way to make old golf clubs feel new
  • The feel of new grips is like having a new set of clubs
  • New grips will give you better control and feel
  • Golf grips are easy and fast to replace yourself or by your pro
  • New golf grips are one of the easiest things that can help improve your game


Source by Jim McColl

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The information processing model involves the storage of information in memory, the retrieval of information from memory, and the execution of a movement in response to information (Keele). This sounds interesting, and useful for golf. This article is about applying the knowledge we know about the information processing model, for improved golf.

To begin, the human memory system consists of 3 stores of memory: The Sensory Information Store; Short Term Memory; and Long Term Memory. It’s important to understand how all 3 stores work in order for us to use our memories most effectively.

The first stage in the memory system is the Sensory Information Store, sometimes called the sensory register (Cox). The sensory register has the ability to hold vast amounts of information, but only for very brief time periods. So short in fact, that information is only stored in the sensory register for up to one half second. The information stored briefly in the sensory store enters via input from our senses: vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Information is then passed on into the hub of the Information Processing System: Short term memory. Short term memory is the hub of the Information Processing system because it receives information from the sensory store, as well as permanent memory. The key thing about Short term memory is that information is lost unless it is either highly significant, or rehearsed and memorised quickly. For example, if you received a tip from your swing coach, and practised the tip only once for example, it is likely that that tip will be forgotten.

It is sufficient to conclude that if a person rehearses information in the Short term memory for 20 to 30 seconds, it will then be passed onto to long term memory storage. The effectiveness of a person’s short term memory capacities are also assisted by their ability to skilfully chunk information, that is, the processing of combining several separate pieces into larger ones. For example, a golfer may remember golf swing technique easy by chunking information into categories such as ‘the set up, backswing, and downswing’ for example, making it easier to remember information about the swing.

Information sufficiently chunked and rehearsed in Short term will be passed on into Long term memory. Different to the Sensory register and Short term memory, information in Long term memory is permanent. Information in Long Term memory can be continually updated in conjunction with Short term memory. For example, if a golfer rehearses a swing tip sufficiently, and it works, he/she will then store that information permanently.

The other thing to note about Long term memory is that information is strengthened by retrieving information into short term memory to rehearse it. Suffice to say, it’s important to complete the Lesson recap and Monthly audit exercises I’ve designed below:

1) Conduct a ‘Lesson recap’ following swing lessons.

Purchase a book to be used as a lesson diary. In the evening following a swing lesson, write down the instruction given to you by your coach, for example: ‘soften the right elbow on the backswing when chipping, allowing your right arm to hinge at the elbow’. Below this, write down adjectives to describe how the new movement feels when executed properly. For example: ‘relaxed’, or ‘soft’ would match the above instruction. Finally, write down a goal for ingraining this new technique into your game. For example: my goal is to have my right arm hinge to feel natural, and to happen unconsciously in my swing in 4 weeks time.

2) Conduct a ‘Monthly audit’ of great golf shots

This exercise related to strengthening Long term memory and also making it easier for great swings to be recalled when competing. At the end of every month, write down the best 10 shots you played during that month. Write them down in the following categories:

– Approx date:
– Course played:
– Hole played:
– Club Used:
– What the key was to such a good shot: And lastly,
– What adjective would you use to describe how the shot felt:

Keep these in the same diary as your lesson recaps. At the end of each year, re read through your best month’s shots and come up with the years 10 best shots!


Source by Steven Latham

You are currently watching a video about the most important part of the golf swing, this video will explain exactly what you need to do to improve your golf and …


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In the spring and summer, and then into the fall of the year, you can watch the greatest players in the world and their golf swings on TV every weekend. There you will see some of the best golf swings, and at the same time receive great golf swing instruction.

If you know what to look for!

Did you know that you have a center of your golf swing and that if you maintain this center in it's proper place through out the golf swing, you will be transformed, almost overnight, into a


Imagine what your playing partners would say after you showed up and shot a record round on Saturday, and then again on the next Saturday, and the next, and the next, and the next.

Do ya think they would wonder what the hell was going on? You bet they would.

So would not it make perfect sense for you to play as well as you could could, with hardly any effort?

Of course the answer is, yes .. stupid!

OK … let's do this.

If there was one single move, or position, in your golf swing that had to be done correctly in every single swing, every single time .. what do you think it would be?

I will wait a moment for you to think about that and come up with an answer.


So … here it is, the center of your swing is your left shoulder. Not the center of your chest.

And it's because of your left shoulder position that causes most of your golf swing problems, it is the cause of:

The blocked shot to the right.

The slice.

The snap hook.

The pull hook.

The Sh_ _ k.

The push to the right.

The swipe.

Now listen up … there are some other reasons for a few of these troubles, but most are caused by the poor position of the left shoulder.

But that's not the secret … the secret is accomplished by having the left shoulder in the correct position on the downswing and through impact.

The left shoulder is the center of your golf swing. It becomes the center of your golf swing on the move away. Not before. Just standing over the ball does not create a center at all.

Remember the golf swing is dynamic, its moving, so no position during the static portion of the golf swing matters, except to set up the proper alignments and grip. Otherwise there can be no center with no movement.

So as you begin your back swing your left should move to the right to a position that is roughly pointing either at or behind the ball.

Now this is center.

Your golf swing center can be identified at this point. It is your left shoulder, and this position will become incredibly important in the next few paragraphs.

But it is still not the answer to the original question.

here is the question:

"If there was one single move, or position, in your golf swing that had to be done correctly in every single swing, every single time … what do you think it would be?"

Answer: Clubhead Path …

I could write a book about how the pros in this game work to get this correct. Every time.

There is nothing in a golf swing that is more important. And it will make you a "player" if you can get this done correctly.

OK … so what is the proper club head swing path exactly?

We know that it is not the famous "over the top" move, the one that creates the big slice that robs you of distance and accuracy. Two things that causes many lost strokes in every round. Right?

The absolute correct path for the club head to travel is from inside the target line to outside the target line. The target line is a line going from the back of the ball all the way to the target, it is a straight line. There is no slice or hook in this line.

It's easy to cause your club head to travel on this line. Just set up over your shot, imagine the line and make the club head go on that line. Do this without hitting a ball, just push the clubhead along the line. Do it at a most leisurely pace. See the club head travel along the line.

Not so tough is it?

It's quite another story when you attempt a full golf swing. The thing that kills most golf swings is the fact that it requires motion and control to do it right.

It's always been this way.

In this case all we really want to do is make sure the club head travels along the correct path and that that is inside the target line to outside the target line.

So you take your backswing along this same club head path and then your downswing along this same path in the opposite direction. Got it?

Oh … but there is a problem here. Almost all of you will have your center in the wrong place on the down swing. And that center, we talked about earlier, is you left shoulder.

This part is going to be a bit tough to explain, but stay with me here.

The left shoulder, in the backswing, will be behind the ball a tad.

On the downswing the shoulders (that is both of them) need to be parallel to the clubhead path during the downswing.

The best way to see this is to draw a line that represents the club head path on the ground. Now turn into your backswing and then position your shoulders that they lined up with this line.

This should have moved your center just a tad to the left. And you have now created the space referred to as the "slot" just under your right elbow.

It is at this very position of your shoulders at this time in your golf swing when your hands, arms, and club need to drop down to the ball along the club head path.

This is the magic moment. While doing this there is no appreciable movement of the shoulders.

You must visualize this club head path in your mine's eye. It is exactly what good players do when they get ready to take their shot.

Here are some key thoughts that may help with keeping the center, centered.

Hit against your left shoulder.

Keep you back to the target for as long as you can.

Keep you shoulder parallel to the club head path

Swing the club head out

Swing out and down.

Visualize the club head path from start to finish

Do that every every time

A good drill is to do this in incredible slow motion. From start to finish. Always being focused on the clubhead path and the center of your swing, your left shoulder.

When I say slow motion, I mean painfully slow. Take a full minute or two to do one swing.

Key position is that the center of your swing is parallel to the club head path while the club head is following the path exactly. Inside to outside of the target line. And of course the center of your swing is the left shoulder.

This is an advanced discussion, one you will not find on the driving range. Go and learn this one move.

And I promise that you will hit it like magic, longer and straighter than you ever have. Like the pros, you will have found your foundation for your power source. Now go use it!

And do not even think that this does not work, it does. If you can not make it work, you are doing something wrong. Feel free to email me with troubles.


Source by Paul Macleod

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