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Chipping yips are not something you eat with salsa at the 19th hole. They're those herky-jerky, flinchy golf nerves that strike when it's time to make a chip shot. Although the yips are manifestly physically, they start in the golfer's mind. Since the mind controls what the body does, curing the problem requires investigation of both thinking and execution.

Here are some tips to fix your chipping yips.

The Mental Side

1. Control your self-talk. Stop calling yourself a "yipper." The label becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy every time you reach for a chipping club. You can not break an old pattern or make a fresh start if you're consciously or subconsciously telling yourself that it can not happen. It's OK to start by calling yourself a "former yipper" and add more positive self-talk as you go.

2. Figure out what you're afraid of. What's making you anxious? Are you so afraid of looking bad in front of your playing partners or in a tournament that you choke? Are you putting too much pressure on yourself to make a shot to achieve a certain score? When you identify what the trigger is, you can take steps to circumvent it.

3. Identify any part of the shot you're not confident about. Is there any part of the technique you're really not sure of? Is there some aspect you have not practiced enough and are relying on luck? Review all of the technical aspects so there's no room for doubt.

4. Visualize your desired outcome. All top-notch athletes do this. Mentally see yourself executing the shot perfectly. Go through every step of the swing so your subconscious mind knows what the goal is. And see the end result as the perfect chip shot that goes exactly where you want it to. You're already getting the terrible shots you hold the perfect picture of out of anxiety. So change the picture already!

The Physical Side

5. Make sure your technique is good. This is one way to remedy the lack of confidence. It's also important to link the physical muscle memory of the shot with the perfect mental picture of it.

6. Shake things up. Do something different to break the mental and physical pattern that's leading to the yips. Change your grip – switch from an interlocking to an overlapping grip or vice versa. Grasp the club a little farther down than usual. Use a putting grip. Change clubs – use one you're more comfortable with that is not mentally connected to the shots you yip on. Change sides – chip left-handed if you're right-handed or vice versa. Add or change a pre-shot ritual. Change something to change the pattern.

It can take time and patience to beat the chipping yips. But if you work through all the steps, you'll be able to find out what sets yours off and fix it. Then you can congratulate yourself and enjoy the chips and salsa at the 19th hole – without the yips.


Source by Jake McFrame

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If you want to improve your golf swing then your are going to have to learn to relax, study and practice. These are three fundamentals about golf that we sometimes forget and with this article, you should find it easy to get back into the swing of things.

What does it mean to relax when you are playing golf? Let's begin with a very, very important fact about the golf ball. It's already dead. So do not try to kill it. It just will not do you any good.

That is an important fact that we all over look. Why? Because we put too much pressure on ourselves while we are playing. The truth is trying to get extra yardage out of smacking the ball as hard as we can destroy our chances of having a good solid hit.

What exactly should you study in golf? Well, everything but here the most important thing to study is yourself. You need to videotape yourself hitting the ball. But you need to tape your hit in two different ways.

The first videotaping should be of you doing practice swings and practice shots. Did you every notice that practice swings are actually pretty good. Without the pressure of the score, you probably have a good swing.

Now tape yourself on the actual golf course. There is probably a big difference between the two shots. But if you can tell the difference you can improve your shot.

There is also another reason to know your own swing. If you like the swing of another player, on the course or on tv, you know what the difference is and you can change. The change will probably be really small. Make the little changes and you will improve your golf swing.

Okay, we talked about the need to relax and the need to study your own swing. Now it is time to practice your new swing.

There is a story about the great golfer Gary Player. A fan came up to Mr. Player after he watched him play a round of golf. The fan said, "Gee, I wish I could play golf like you." Mr. Player replied, "If you hit buckets of balls until your hands are bloody and then hit some more, you can."

Now you do not need to play until your hands are bloody but without practicing you really never will improve your game to where you are happy.

You now know three important steps to a better golf swing. You must be relaxed, enjoy it for what it is, a great game. You must know your swing to be able to improve your swing. Finally, you must practice. If you are missing any of these three points in your game then you are not going to really improve your swing.


Source by Brian Kowalczyk

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One of the most pleasant events that you can participate in is a golf tournament. It is also one of the most challenging, as a lot goes into the planning of this event that you may not be aware of. With golf being as well-liked as it is, many businesses and charities are using tournaments as a way to spike interest in their cause or in their operation. If you are in charge of planning such a tournament, remember that there are a lot of considerations to keep in mind if you intend it to be a success.

Golf tournaments require a lot of planning. One of the first things you will want to do is come up with a goal or outcome that you desire to come out of pulling off a successful tournament. This can work a number of ways, but one popular way to make this happen is to come up with a theme and gather information to support that theme. Within this theme, make sure that you remain realistic with your expectations and that you stick to your assigned budget as closely as possible.

Once you have a budget, the next step is to find a course. There are several things to keep in mind when choosing a golf course. First, you will want to make sure that it is large enough to accommodate the number of golfers you plan on inviting. Second, you will want to verify that their accommodations are fitting for whatever secular events you are planning in addition to the tournament. This includes an award ceremony, a luncheon, a banquet, etc.

Finally, you will want to confirm that the staff of the course is amiable and you feel that they can work with you. It's also important to make sure that if the course is unable to provide enough staff for that day, that you are confident that you will be able to find enough volunteers for that day.

The next step is to find some sponsors for your event. They may be able to donate items for an auction, or prize money for the winner. Once you have your sponsors committed to the project you will want to make sure that specific signage is made up for the day of the tournament.

Now that you have a purpose, a location, some sponsors and the general outline of the day planned it's time to send out the invitations. The invites for players and guests can have formal invitations that include the registration forms, or can be informal brochures. Whichever design you go with, make sure that the registration forms are included. Also, do not forget to include a fax number and a mailing address on the registration form so that they have options in getting the form back to you.

Some final details to consider are, do you want to have goodie bags for players, do you want to have a raffle, is there going to be an award ceremony? If you decide yes to any of those options, allow for the items in your budget and prepare for them ahead of time.

As you prepare for the day of the event, make sure you have farmed out the right tasks to the right people. Think about creating a checklist and get started early so that you can finish up any of the last minute preparations that you will need to make. Ensure that you have snacks, sunscreen, and any other extras so that the players feel welcome. You want to create a positive experience for the players and those small touches add up to a big picture of attentiveness from the host. Have fun, remember the theme, and stick to your game plan so that you can provide the best tournament in the history of tournaments. Confidence is key.


Source by Nicholas Sy

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