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Many people are not aware that many disabled golfers can play golf in specialized carts or wheelchairs. As word gets out, more and more golf courses are buying the specialized, single rider carts and swivel chair golf carts to make available for golfers with mobility problems who want to play wheelchair golf.

The courses that help disabled golfers by making these wheelchair carts available also use handicap flags so they can take the carts up to the greens and do not have to leave the fairway at certain points as would normally be required.

The carts have a swivel chair design and are weight balanced. They can travel over greens and difficult bunkers. The carts cost about $ 7500 or so. Many golf courses still do not have them. Once there is a high demand for the carts the courses may invest in them. There are several hundred courses now that have the carts.

Resort golf courses want to make their courses as accessible as possible for disabled golfers. Other courses will follow suit as the demand arises. Prospect golfers should call their local courses and start requesting these carts. If they get enough inquiries the courses might invest in them. But they're going to wait for the demand in some cases.

Some courses share the carts with each other. So with advanced arrangements the carts would be moved to the designated course and made available for tee time. Vacationing families love these disabled golf carts. It has changed the way disabled golfers take their golf vacations. Myrtle Beach golf courses and courses in North Carolina have been using them extensively. That makes a Myrtle Beach golf vacation a great destination for a special needs or disabled golfer or anyone who has to use a wheelchair off the course.

Many course owners are reluctant to allow disabled golfers, who have their own carts, to use them on their courses for several reasons including damage to the greens and liability. And the cost of the carts is prohibited to most golfers anyway.

There seems to be no downside to having these swivel chair carts on courses, because they are really made to damage as well as being handicap accessible. So having these wheelchair golf carts available to disabled golfers is a better option. So for the millions of people in the US and Canada with disabilities it's a great start.


Source by Helen Hecker

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The idea of ​​periodization has been around a very long time for athletes at all levels. The concept is simple. If you started with the goal in mind, let's say it was to win the Club Championship or place in the top 3 in your next amateur event, then you would plan accordingly.

Typically, an annual plan is used, although it is not uncommon to use longer periods of time especially when working with a younger developing athlete.

Periodization occurs when you break down all of the segments into actual manageable parts, always keeping the long term goal in mind. Your master plan may be broken down which phase you are in, for example, are you in your competitive stage or pre-competitive stage? This information is then used to determine which strategies offer the most benefit at any given point in time.

If you use a holistic approach to golf improvement, then you also periodize each important component as in the physical, mental, technical and strategic side.

While this many sound like a lot of information to track, this is the very point of periodization. Breaking down all of the important parts into simple tasks you can complete daily and / or weekly which fit comfortably and naturally into achieving your long term goal.

What is the real payoff for you? Well, just like the pros, when you prepare in this manner you leave nothing to chance. You have less margin for error and a higher probability of meeting or succeeding your goals.

To give you an idea of ​​how to schedule a program for golf, first consider your competitive season, then employ the following ideas.

Phase 1 – Restoring optimal flexibility or range of motion in hips, spine andoulders.

Phase 2 – Choose adaptation exercises where the main objective is to involve many muscle groups while preparing joints, tendons and ligaments for the work ahead. Build a solid base of support through stabilization exercises.

Phase 3 – Build strength. Consider increasing your loads, time under tension and create an opportunity for increased force production.

Phase 4 – Power production. Not you can convert all of your previous efforts to completion of the process where all energy is stored and transferred in efficient movement patterns for the benefit of your golf swing.

Phase 5 – Active recovery and rest. Do not forget that every body needs a recovery period so it can maintain gains made throughout the year while protecting the body from injury.


Source by Susan Hill

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Golf Gear is something you would find available aplenty in the marketplace. In such a scenario, you should choose a golf gear that suits your game style. This will allow you to participate in a game of golf without ever feeling your gear is a burden.

Thinking of buying a golf gear! You should ideally look at buying a golf club first. Coming to think of it, you would be offered two options in golf clubs when you decide to buy them. The first option for you is the wooden clubs. With a wooden club at your disposal, you could hit the ball long distances. On the other hand, you would also find iron clubs that are primarily used for hitting the ball short distances. In your golf bag, you can add up to 14 golf clubs. Just so you know, nowdays a lot of people have started using hybrid clubs, which have a combination of wood and iron. These golf clubs could be used as a 2-in-1 to hit the ball long as well as short distances.

Shoes are another vital cog of a golfing equipment. Remember, golf is an outdoor sport, and more often than not, you could find yourself splashing against water when it rains. For starters, you would be playing in the greens, so the probability of your feet getting stuck is more. Buy shoes that are waterproof. You could decide on buying light shoes with spikes at the sole of the shoe. This will allow you to negotiate the wet underfoot conditions.

Who would not want to play Golf under the sun? These are the ideal conditions for you to play golf. With that being said, you could easily start complaining of sun burns if you do not go in with the right kind of apparel. Wear cotton trousers and preferably a cotton shirt. Arm yourself with a cap to protect from the harsh sun beating down on your head. On some occasions where you think the sun is really harsh, you could get yourself some UV cream. Be prepared for the rainy days, because it can get soggy and unpleasant for you. Take some umbrellas and raincoats with you to the golf course.


Source by Chand Sivasri

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