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Nike Golf Balls


Nike offers different varieties of golf balls; each one specialized to match a players club, swing, and talent. Nike Golf Balls are one of the most popular golf balls used today and are used by players like Tiger Woods an extra golfer with almost 60 wins. Nike Golf Balls offer a different style and variety for everyone, so that no golfer not even the ones just starting out have to feel awkward with their swing or style. Nike is a great company to purchases from as well because professionals in both the women and men's league use Nike Golf Balls.


The first sets of Nike Golf Balls are the:
o Nike One Golf Balls, offered in black and in platinum. The Nike one black golf balls include a progressive density core for improved feel and reduced spin for more efficient distance, a power transfer layer that increases speed, a seamless urethane cover for flight consistency, and a high coverage 336 dimple pattern for optimized aerodynamics. The Nike-ONE Black golf balls sell for about fifty-six dollars (us). The Nike-ONE Platinum golf balls follow the same design as their un-identical twin except for the inner cover, the inner cover enhancement mid-iron control and workability and the improved 378 dimple pattern allows additional cargo and longer distance, the Nike ONE Platinum also sells for fifty-six dollars (us).

o The Nike Ignite Golf Ball has a cover made of a 408 dimple pattern for a penetrating flight and longer roll, its mantle reduces spin and responds even better to aggressive strikes while its core creates a magnificant energy return. The Nike Ignite Golf Ball is one of the less expensive only costing about thirty-six dollars (us).

o The newest Nike Golf Ball of the summer is the Nike Juice, it contains a 312-dimple pattern for more carry and distance and a core that creates high velocity and reduced spin. The really great thing about the Nike Juice is that its cover is a Surlyn caplet embedded with sculpted recessions which controls directional agitation and wind puncture, probably the least of the bunch ringing in at a low twenty-eight dollars (us).


Nike does not only produce golf balls for Men they also produce a specific ball for the women. The Nike Woman's Karma Golf ball offers a core that allows the female golfer to hit longer and a cover that offers a better feel and better control. The Nike Woman's Karma has a 312-dimple pattern for higher flight and a longer carry. The Nike Woman's Karma Golf ball usually prices around twenty-eight dollars (US). Let's not forget about the kids, Nike offers the Nike EZ distance golf ball for youth allowing them to hit the ball farther and the price is even better at around ten dollars (US) per package.

As stated above Nike has several different types to choose from so when looking for a golf ball, the best choice and only choice to make is Nike. Purchase your Nike Golf Balls at numerous dealers worldwide.


Source by Robert Grazian

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Course Management Techniques.

The better you get at golf, the more important the strategic aspects of the game becomes. But during your development and while you are working to improve, you should start exercising your golfers eye to look for opportunities to improve your play and extremely your score. An often overlooked aspect of golf is course management. Course management is simply working your way around the golf course in a manner that avoids risks and focuses on playing high percentage golf. Much like the pool or billiards player, the ideal strategy is to execute a game plan in such a way that you never ever leave yourself a difficult shot. A difficult shot in this context is a shot that provides high risk for a low reward or forces to hit a shot that you are not comfortable sitting. Or more to the point, the goal is to never leave yourself a shot that you have not practiced before and are there before not confident that you can pull it off. I acknowledge that this is easier said than done for most if not all of us. All the more reason to have a plan you are trying to follow.

What Is The Relative Importance Of This With All The Other Golf "Stuff"?

You do not hear much about golf course management, though, so how important is it to scoring? Ben Hogan was quoted as saying that an average swing and a disciplined approach to course management are enough to play pro golf. When combined with a good swing, it was possible to play winning golf! Hogan assessed at one point in his career that hitting the ball accounted for 20% and course management or the planning part of the equation an astounding 80%! In fact, reading between the lines of Hogan's recommendations and beliefs reveals that he considered a bad shot not one which is mishit, because that is bound to happen during the course of a round. A bad shot to him was a shot that even if hit perfectly, would be no good because of the leave or the difficulty of executing the next shot. Hogan should know, as among the changes he credits with contributing to his success on the pro tour after almost going broke for a third time was a disciplined course management approach. This approach transformed him from a struggling pro through early 1938 to its leading money winner for several years and a record of some 117 straight finishes in the money before being interrupted by World War II. Hogan rode course management hard until he achieved the breach with his secret in 1946. Tom Watson considered it so important that he wrote a book dedicated to it. Finally, I should add that not every golfer believes in strict adherence to strategic play or adopting a reliably "dogmatic" approach to this element of the game. Ray Floyd obviously played strategically, but he did not like developing a set game plan ahead of time to attack a course, preferring to pick his spots based on his execution and to derive a strategy on the spur of the moment. His relation to do so was a temperament or personal issue. He knew his game very well and it "scrambled" his brain if he failed to execute according to his plan, having and adverse affect on his confidence. There are not many Ray Floyd's out there, however, so if you reach this point in your development, congratulations. The rest of us should read on!

What Is Golf Course Management?

Have you ever played a golf course and taken note of where the bunkers or other hazards are in relation to the green? Of course you have, and you've probably also looked back from the green and noted that there was an easier way to play the hole from the perspective of the green. Maybe that view was not discernable from the tee. Or similar, looked back from your tee shot and realized there was a lot more room than the architect disclosed from the tee. In simple terms, that is golf course management, eg, the deliberate planning or approach and placement of your golf shots in consideration of the best way to play each hole. Note that there is almost always a best or easiest way to play most good golf holes. This is an element of the golf course design and often comes into play given the risk reward of a particular shot. Note well that this must be mitigated somewhat in consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of your golf game. For instance the Stonewall Golf Course in Gainesville is an excellent course with a great strategic design. The 18th hole, a par 5 of some 517 yards is best played from the tips by playing down the middle or short of the left side bunker, providing a good angle to the green and the option of playing safe over the water with a hybrid or long iron to the left side of the green and playing a little pitch or chip to the green. But there is a bunker on the right side of the fairway that keeps slices out of the water and if you can carry it about 265 yards or so you can blow it over the bunker and have no more than a 7 or 8 iron to the green . The par 5 5th hole is similar in design, but at 558 yards you have a bit of a challenge with a hybrid or long iron to a fall green with water fronting the green. The risk reward calculus of the 18th hole is markedly different than the choice at the 5th hole, where the character of the round is reasonably still in question. Most players go for the 18th hole from just about anywhere, as the course has already eaten their lunch by this point in the round!

How Come I Have not Heard Much About Golf Course Management And What Are The Elements I Should Consider?

There are scores and scores of books about the golf swing and the elements of the swing, like putting, the short game, etc., but very few books on golf course management. Making golf course management a part of your golf "kit bag" can be as simple as making note of where the bunkers and other hazards are and simply avoiding them. But there is a reason the golf course architect put those bunkers there in the first place. In some cases the bunkers protect an errant shot from going out of bounds or getting into worse trouble. The most obvious bunkers protect the green by collecting errant shots left, right, short and long. The less obvious or more substance bunkers protect the best approaches to the green. The best position to approach from is often referred to as the "A" position, or the "green" position, with the context of it being a green or go flag to shoot at as opposed to a yellow or caution flag or a red flag . Meaning a flag you would not shoot at without regard to your position in the fairway. On better courses you will likely find the so called "A" or green positions protected by a strategically placed bunker or protected by out of bounds (OB) or some other lateral hazard intended to catch wayward or aggressive shots to the open up the green. Some examples of the former type of bunkers include the stretch along the seawall on the 18th hole at Pebble Beach, where the bunker helps prevent balls from heading into the water. The 12th green at Augusta National has a bunker that protects the middle green approach, which narrows the green considering because of the back greenside bunker and the speed of the green (as well as the wind and the pressure). Much like on holes 11 and 13, water and Rae's creek provide natural protection that dramatically limits the options for approach shots. With the architectural changes done to Augusta in recent years, the best approaches to most greens are guarded by myriad bunkers positioned to catch the ideal tee shot. Laying up short of these bunkers forces the player to hit a longer iron that is difficult to hold on the fast greens and also difficult to hit to the best green positions. Flirting with the bunker risks a second shot that can not reach the green because of the severe lip of the bunker. The 13th hole favors a draw off the tee, but overcook the tee shot and you face overhanging trees, pine cones, Rae's Creek and an uneven lie with a narrow angle of attack to the green, which is compensated for something by the shortened length along that angle of approach. The 6th at Carnoustie is a famous risk reward hole at 578 yards, with the "A" or green position a flat space on the left side of the fairway dangerously close to OB. Although he only played Carnoustie in the 1953 Open (British), the 6th is still known as Hogan's Alley for the way he famously threaded the needle and hit the same area every day of the tournament and went for the green in two.

How Do I Make This Work for My Game?

There is nothing inherently difficult about implementing golf course management or strategic play in your own game. The key is to think differently about how you play holes that you may have played so often that you now hit shots without even thinking about strategy. Or maybe you do not have sufficient control of the golf ball, so you feel it is not an element that would work for you. All the more reason to think strategically, as the judicious use of your limited strengths and the deliberate avoidance of your weaknesses can by itself improve your scores and make you a better golfer. A caution up front here is that nothing I am advocating should slow down the pace of your play: you should do most of the thinking prior to getting behind the ball and triggering your pre-shot routine. Do you have trouble hitting the ball different directions on demand, or do you favor a draw or fade as your predominate shot? You should have a default shot you can hit on demand with a preference or comfort level with one or the other type shot. Strategic play would be planning your shots in consideration of your predominance ball flight. So let's say you are on the tee facing a 420 yard hole with bunkers left and right, out about 235 to 260 yards or so and the pin is in the right right narrow part of the green, protected by a deep bunker. All things being equal (eg, wind, conditions, etc.), if you have assessed the hole properly, you typically took note of the "A" or green position just beyond and protected by the bunker on the left side. A good player would probably blow a wood over the left bunker to get the angle to the pin from the far left side, where a fade will then open up the green. A decent player may try to sling a driver or wood in from the right side, past the bunker, to leave a short iron or wedge with a good angle to the green. An alternative would be hitting a hybrid or 3 iron up the left side short of the bunker and then hitting a short iron (7 or 8 iron) to the middle of the green, playing a fade but taking the bunker out of play. What would you do? I can not tell you the number of times over the years I have played with a golfer who in this situation hit a driver up the right side without even a second thought (because we were on the tee). Thus ensuring the worst approach to the green and bringing the bunker and the narrow part of the green into play. Even with the best tee shot given the circumstances, this play has managed to hit the red position, eg, a position from which you should not go for the pin. Tom Watson noted in his excellent book Tom Watson's Strategic Golf that the golf course architect should require or dictate no more than about 5 heroic or challenging shots over 18 holes of golf. Watson was talking about challenges for the expert player and he was referring to the design of the course, not the position that players hit to voluntarily. In our above example, the non-thinking golfer who is not applying strategic play has managed to inflict a heroic or challenging shot on a golf hole that the architect probably believed was free from such challenges! Put a different way, the golfer has managed to play the hole in the most difficult manner possible! It is easy to see how such callous play can lead to frustration, bad shots and high scores. The player in our example likely bemoans the bad luck of hitting a great shot but ending up in a position from which it is impossible to attack the pin. Bad luck has nothing to do with it, as the play meets the criteria Hogan described over 60 years ago, namely, a shot that no matter the output was doomed fromception to be bad. How many times in a round do you take a club other than the driver off the tee to lay up to your favorite yardage? When is the last time you have considered the best approach to the pin before hitting your tee shot and adjusted accordingly? Finally, do you assess pins to determine whether you should be shooting for them or do you just aim at any old pin from any old place because that is how golf is played?


This article is a bit lengthy but touches on some important points about course management and strategic play. Look over the golf course the next time you play and see if you can discern how the course architect intended the hole to be played in consideration of the green, yellow and red approaches and corresponding pin positions. Prior to your next round, assess your play on a course you know well or the course you are about to play and think through your plan of attack to see if it is congruent with the challenges presented by the hole. Find the easiest path to the pin, or better yet, play with better golfers and watch them or ask them how they play certain holes. Take a playing lesson from your pro and pick his brain on this same subject. If you find that you are making holes harder than they need to be like our friend in the above example, map a strategy to change the way you play the hole. Finally, no article can help you with variations for every instance of play. I highly recommend the book above by Tom Watson as a primer to help think through approaching golf as a strategic game. There are a number of other good books that touch on the topic by Johnny Miller and Ray Floyd, among others.

Good Golfing! Mark Choiniere


Source by Mark Choiniere

If you consistently skull the ball or chuck the club into the ground, it might not the problem you think. Your posture could be what’s making you hit the ball wrong.


Be very consistent in the amount of rotation of your shoulders in the back swing in a full swing. This is not easy when you have a specific target of a hazard in …


Golf and Your Kids


So, you think your little guy might be the next Tiger Woods? If you think your child has a propensity for golf, or if you have a love for the game that you want to share, how can you best teach your youngster the game? How can you tell that they are ready to learn? What age is best to start a child on learning golf if you want to develop a quality player?

Golf, a detailed and complex sport, can be tough to teach to kids. For this reason, get them started early and ensure that you build a firm foundation in their game play so that they learn to be confident in the sport and in their own abilities. This type of learned confidence can help them embrace the complexities of the game as a whole and will turn them into golfers that are ready to learn.

Once a child is walking well independently and able to hold a child-sized golf club, he or she is probably ready for the first introduction to the sport. This can happen when the child is as young as two or three years old. Preschool children will not be ready to play golf as a game, but they can be given small putters and practice swinging the club correctly.

Children at this age learn almost everything through imitation. The best way to teach them proper swinging and putting techniques is to demonstrate, and then have them imitate the motions. But use caution that you do not make this tedious for the child. These imitation sessions should be short and fun. Try having the child hit a small balloon. Not only will this be fun, but the child will also have success in hitting the balloon, which will keep the frustration at bay. To make it even more fun, try filling the balloons with water for added resistance! This is a great summer time activity for you and for your child!

Once the child has entered school and has a good handle on the swinging and putting techniques learned through observation, it is time to start teaching the game of golf. School aged children are accustomed to verbal instruction and can listen to explanations about the game better than their preschool counterparts. You need to keep in mind, however, that they are still children! They will thrive on encouragement, and all teaching sessions should be kept upbeat!

Start by taking your child to the driving range. Show your son or daughter how to hit the ball correctly, aiming for distance. The driving range is a good place to start since there is not a specific target they must reach, so the child is less likely to get frustrated. After the child demonstrates aptitude on the driving range, you can head to the course. By this point you should be able to tell whether or not your child is going to share your love for the game of golf.

Parents need to remember that no matter how hard they try, not all children have the same likes and dislikes that their parents have. If you have introduced your child to the game of golf, and he or she does not enjoy it, try not to push them. By pushing, you might find that you drive your child away from the game. All you can do is give them the experience at an early age, and they must come to a conclusion about the game on their own.


Source by Nicholas Sy