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The Benefits Of Golf!

The Benefits Of Golf – Who – What – Why? 

Hollywood feels similarly about golf. Samuel L. Jackson is a huge fan, even though he only started playing at the age of forty five. There are also movie stars who state in their contracts that location sites must provide easy access to major golf courses. And then there are stars such as Johnny Mathis, who spend more time on the golf course than on their jobs.

Golf is increasingly becoming less male and less white, too, in part because of networking possibilities and in part because it is a fun way to stay in shape. Experts believe that golfers that walk eighteen holes once or twice a week can improve their health dramatically. Golf is also the game of choice for a number of physicians and health care professionals. “Usually when I walk and play a round, I lose about four pounds,” says teaching pro Marvin Childress.

Minorities are turning to golf not only because the game is fun and challenging, but also because the game provides a great deal of access and networking opportunities that are not always readily available in the boardroom. The senior vice president of Nova Chemicals in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Jeffrey Pina learned this the hard way when he was invited to play the game with his boss but had to turn him down since he did not know how to play. So, Pina made sure that never happened again. After a crash course, he hit the links and discovered the real world. He says, “I saw how business was conducted on golf courses. I saw how relationships and trusts were built.” He was surprised to see the level of business that is carried out on the course. “The account executives delivered all the news they needed to deliver instead of having a business meeting, and it was done in an environment that was more cordial and far more supportive, because you’re playing a game as well as conducting business.”

Black women are among the most passionate supporters of the game today. Another golf plus, according to the publisher of the African-American Golfer’s Digest, is that the game gives you a personal edge. Given that golf is such an expensive sport to play, it can act as a major personal selling point. There is, moreover, a fraternity or sorority of golfers, and once a golfer meets a golfer – a client, CEO or a potential date – they enjoy an instant rapport. Although corporate executives and celebrities spend relatively large amounts of money on club fees and green fees, most golfers spend relatively modest amounts playing municipal courses.

Celebrity golfers like Michael Jordan are fueling the golf craze. Not only do people pay attention to what celebrities are doing, but they also try to incorporate the competitive spirit of the likes of Jordan. Leonard S. Coleman Jr., former president of baseball’s National League, says he enjoys golf because “it’s extremely competitive, and I relish playing the game with my friends and competitors.” And the vice president of multicultural marketing at Schieffelin & Somerset Co. says he enjoys the camaraderie of the game and the opportunity to relax in beautiful natural settings with like-minded colleagues.

Source by Terry Bytheway

Golf course management is essential to your success as a golfer. Do you know what separates the great players from the good players? It is course management! While you may not be able to hit the ball like a pro or putt like a pro, you can learn to think your way around the golf course like a pro. Here I am going to give you 3 tips on how you can manage your game better.

1. First and foremost you need to realize the number one mistake that many golfers make is that we all tend to not take enough club. By this I mean that most golfers, especially men try to hit the ball hard and think they can hit their clubs further than they really can. I know for the longest time I tried to hit my 9 iron 150 yards on every shot, and then I realized that I have much more control from that distance with an 8 iron. The point is that in most circumstances it is better to hit too much club than not enough.

2. Another thing that many golfers do is try to get too close to the greens on a par 5. This may sound weird but what you need to do is lay up to a yardage that is comfortable to you. If this means laying up to 60 yards or 80 yards then that is what you should try to do. Most professional golfers tend to lay up at around the 100 yard marker because this gives them a full sand wedge to the green. This is a great way to improve your golf course management.

3. Last but not least you must remember that every golfer has weaknesses, but you must play to your strengths. Every successful golfer at every level does this. If you have trouble with your driver, then hit 3 wood off of the tee, if you have trouble with hitting your wedge then try to hit bump and run 8 iron shots around the greens.

Golf course management is crucial to your success, so to maximize your potential make sure you do not neglect this vital part of your game.

Source by Matthew Lord

Don’t just play golf. Understand it.

Your Golf Swing vs. How You Play the Game


I recently played in the Southwest PGA Senior Open. I was hitting the ball great, but it didn’t translate on my scorecard. This reminded me of a few lessons I’ve shared over the years.

1. Remember that your score is not necessarily a reflection of who you are as a player. Use your experiences on the course to learn and improve.

2. Playing the game and working on your golf swing are two entirely different things.

Here’s a great conversation I had with Brendon DeVore @bebettergolf, talking about this very subject. It’s part of a 6-Part Golf Talk Series you can watch at



Golf Exercises And Workout With 8 Pound PowerBall

GolfGym creator, Ken Pierce, takes you through a workout using the GolfGym eight pound double handled PowerBall. In the workout, you will perform exercises specifically designed to strengthen and stretch the muscles in your shoulders, core and legs which will help with your golf swing performance. This workout is also designed with some high intensity to get your heart rate up and bring plenty of air into your lungs.

The eight pound PowerBall has been designed with the best feeling handles or grips of any ball on the market today. You can get your hands on the inside with comfort and on the outside for a firm grip. The Power Ball is available at:

These exercises, if done 3 – 4 times a week will also help with balance and load. While performing the movements, it is important to stay in balance. In the golf swing, balance is critical to better performance and stability.

Golf fitness is very important to professional golfers on the PGA Tour, the Tour, The Champions Tour, the LPGA Tour and the European Tour. Professional Golfers are becoming more fit and hitting the golf ball much farther than ever before. Of course the golf equipment has improved dramatically, but the body still needs to swing the club, and with a fit body, the result is more distance and power.

Try this workout with the eight PowerBall to help with developing strength, flexibility, power, more rotation in your golf swing and with overall better health.


How to Hit a Golf Shot From a Downhill Lie or Ball Below your Feet

When the ball is lying on a downhill lie, the play is not difficult, but a little skill is required here. Set up with your body leaving a little forward and your hands well ahead of the ball.

The big must is that you must hit the ball first. Stay down on the shot and try for an extended follow through. As a result the ball will fly low and a little longer.

So, as you take a less lofted club for your uphill lie, so you will
take a more lofted club for your downhill lie. The slope of the hill takes the loft from your club,
so a seven iron can become like a 5 iron and a pitching wedge like a seven iron.

Perhaps not as extreme as this, but you get what I mean I think.

What about when the ball is above your feet?

Well, the biggest danger here is hitting it fat, or hiring the
ground before you hit the ball.

Play this shot like a chip shot. You will see what I mean in a
Because the ball is above your feet, then you will not have to go
down so far to reach the ball. This means that you stand more erect.

To further avoid hitting the ball fat, position the ball
further back in your stance than normal.

Have your hands well ahead of the ball.

Now, as I said you hit the ball as in a chip shot.
This means with firm wrists.
The actual swing is as needed for the distance required.

Keep the hands ahead of the club head at all times and
as I said, hit with firm wrists.

Move your wrists towards the target. To be more exact, move the back of your left hand toward the
target. If you want more loft, open the clubface a little.


Uphill ball above feet

Downhill ball below feet

Chip Shot 



Source by Bill Maitland



Lower Your Golf Scores For Less Than a Dollar

As I give more and more golf lessons, it amazes me how much money people will spend with me and as soon as they leave it is like the golf lesson never happened!

I suggest to all of my students to keep a golf journal. With a golf journal, we can get together at the end of the lesson and discuss what their homework will be until the next golf lesson. The challenge for me is that less than 5% of my students do this and then wonder why they are not progressing as fast as they would like.

D.I.Y. Golf Journal tutorial

I have attempted to emphasize how important this is by bringing a clip board with a lesson sheet on it. I keep notes on it through the lesson for myself as well as for the student. After the lesson, we discuss what is on the sheet and I then scan the sheet and email it to them for them to use, record in their own way way, I guess, trash.

You can improve your golf game and handicap much faster for under a couple of dollars! Although you can purchase a nice golf journal such as The Ultimate Golf Journal by Lisa Bach, you can accomplish your goals with a small notebook that you can keep in your pocket, attach to your push cart or put on the steering wheel of the golf cart while you play.

inexpensive but nice Golf Journal.

There is no secret to improving your handicap and shooting lower scores. The answer is that it practice, practice, and more practice. We have all had those moments on the driving range where we can not miss and the next time out we can not remember what we were thinking or working on to make the ball react the way we wanted. By keeping a golf journal, you can jot it down as it happens or after your practice session. 

Whether you take lessons or not, it is important to keep a golf journal or a small notebook (less than a dollar) with you when you practice or play. It is important to note the flight of the golf balls. Do they start by flying to the left or right? Once they get to the top of their flight do they topple forward or to the left or right? What about the trajectory of your golf shots? Are they too low, or too high? Occasionally after a couple of rounds of golf, you will start to see tendencies. If you do take lessons, this will be valuable information for your professional. As we all know, the golf ball sometimes tends to fly differently once we are on the golf course.

You will also want to begin keeping simple stats in your golf journal. I do this a lot by using a scorecard and using each line for a separate statistic. You will want to keep fairways hit or missed, greens hit or missed, up and downs that are converted and the number of putts that you take on each hole.

By keeping a simple golf journal with some of these easy suggestions along with others that you will come up with in your own, you will begin to see good and bad patterns forming. With this information, you can improve your weaknesses and lower your handicap.

inexpensive but nice Golf Journal             D.I.Y. Golf Journal tutorial





Source by Max X. Johnson


A Simple golf swing drill to get your backswing plane perfect for you and your personal move. 


